Ok...the quest to "re-build" the blog! I feel great this morning....and so very blessed! Late last night when almost a year's worth of posts vanished into cyber-space, it seemed like such a huge disaster! But after a good night's sleep, in is such a small thing...really! I have so much to be happy about and thankful for! It's just no big deal. So...Peanut....quit worrying about it! Having a beautiful, thoughtful and loving daughter like you in my life is worth more to me than a bazillion lost blogs...or pretty much anything else! I have been doubly blessed in the "kid" area. Both of my girls have grown into the most remarkble women....ones that any mother could be proud of! Both are sweet, tender-hearted and so accomplished in what ever they set out to do! Plus....they love their Momma....and show it...who could ask for more?

Don't have a lot new to show in the knitting area without being redundant for those who check out my little corner of blogdom on a regular basis, but I do have a pic of half of the Schaefer Kathleen Felted Bag.....the one that gave me such trouble! The pattern was a mess and I mis-interpreted it the first round. Suffice to say I knitted the equivalent of a tree skirt....and had to frog the whole thing and start over!
Still have the little red cabled cardigan otn for Little Mr. Dax as well. Need to get the other half of the bag done and finish it before the little stinker out-grows it!
Since I don't have any "grand" babies at my disposal this morning I will have to settle for posting pics of the "fur" b
abies around here.
The oldest member of the crew is Akira that name from his pretty sky-blue eyes! He will be 11 this Christmas. If you read Garfield you pretty much know his personality! He tolerates the other fur-kids...just barely! Every once in a while he will just walk by one of them and thump them on the head for no apparent's a hoot!
The first one to invade Akira's world was Cricket. He is going to be 9 this summer. He is a Yorkie and such a sweet boy! We got him when he was 12 weeks old and sooo
tiny! He was all ears back then. Those ears are still pretty big but he grew into them a little. He got his name because he LOVES to chase crickets outside.
Next fur-kid is little Gidget. She is a Yorkie too and has quite a story behind our aquisition of her. If you read my blog in the past you have heard her story, so bear with me. Stories like hers are worth repeating. She turns 14 this month. We got her in 1999. I found her on my lunch hour in the pound when we lived in Texas and just HAD to have her....all 2 1/2 lbs of her! Turned out the pound had found her owners and they were trying to decide if they wanted her back or not! What??? How could you not want your fur-baby back? That was my first clue!
I was told I would have to call every day to "check her status" I did.....for 5 days! When I finally got word they decided to relinquish her they told me she would be available for adoption on Sunday....first come, first served. They opened at 1:00 pm. Well....I was sitting in the parking lot at 6:30 AM with my knitting, newspaper and a thermos of coffee.....waiting! you think I wanted that baby? About 20 minutes after I got there another car full of little kids pulled up and who do you think they wanted? girl! Fortunately, a guy from the pound had already come out to the car, asked who I wanted and took my driver's liscense in and attached it to her she was already mine! Turns out I got to meet her "other" owners...the ones who threw her away....who were there to get ANOTHER dog....because she wasn't good with kids....GRRRRRR.....I wasn't very nice to all! I even told the people inside I didn't think she should be allowed to get another one! Anyway, I got ahold of that precious little girl and took her home. She had been severly hair on her booty at all from un-treated allergies and obviously abused as well. She wanted me to hold her, but was terrified of being picked up and would try to bite. For the first 4 months I would have to lay a pillow on the floor, let her hop onto the pillow, then pick the pillow up with her on it. After that initial adjustment period she regained her confidence and now she rules the house and everyone in! She seems to think she is a rottie instead of a yorkie the way she "bosses" everyone around. She has arthritis and cataracts now....thus the funny eyes in the pic...but her silly antics have brought us untold joy and laughter the past several years. I know she probably doesn't have
much longer, but at least I know these last years of her little life have been happy! Here's my girl! Oh, and she's up to over 3 lbs now!
And last, but certainly not least...the newest...and I SWEAR the last fur-kid! Stoneleigh! He turned 1 year old in January.....and he is a stinker! Or maybe I have just forgotten what it is like to have a new puppy in the house....Oh My Goodness!!! Into everything....yes....even my knitting. I know of at least one pair of dp's that he chewed up and a couple of things he very graciously frogged for me!
He is such fun, though....and so very good with the grand-kids! A terrific breed for kids a Cavalier King Charles sweet and docile and he LOVES them! Wants to be right by them when they are here....all the adults in the house are persona-non-grata if kids are around! Savy
has put baby clothes on him, pushed him in her stroller...he's just along for the ride and loves it when she's here! And he's SO gentle around's like he knows he can rough-house with Savy, but is very careful around Dax! It's funny how bringing him in changed the dynamics of the house! Cricket tolerates him...even plays with him sometimes....on Cricket's terms, of course.....Gidget HATES him and wants nothing to do with him at all......but Akira LOVES him! They wrap their little arms around each other and wrestle! It's too funny!

Don't have a lot new to show in the knitting area without being redundant for those who check out my little corner of blogdom on a regular basis, but I do have a pic of half of the Schaefer Kathleen Felted Bag.....the one that gave me such trouble! The pattern was a mess and I mis-interpreted it the first round. Suffice to say I knitted the equivalent of a tree skirt....and had to frog the whole thing and start over!
Still have the little red cabled cardigan otn for Little Mr. Dax as well. Need to get the other half of the bag done and finish it before the little stinker out-grows it!
Since I don't have any "grand" babies at my disposal this morning I will have to settle for posting pics of the "fur" b

The oldest member of the crew is Akira that name from his pretty sky-blue eyes! He will be 11 this Christmas. If you read Garfield you pretty much know his personality! He tolerates the other fur-kids...just barely! Every once in a while he will just walk by one of them and thump them on the head for no apparent's a hoot!
The first one to invade Akira's world was Cricket. He is going to be 9 this summer. He is a Yorkie and such a sweet boy! We got him when he was 12 weeks old and sooo

Next fur-kid is little Gidget. She is a Yorkie too and has quite a story behind our aquisition of her. If you read my blog in the past you have heard her story, so bear with me. Stories like hers are worth repeating. She turns 14 this month. We got her in 1999. I found her on my lunch hour in the pound when we lived in Texas and just HAD to have her....all 2 1/2 lbs of her! Turned out the pound had found her owners and they were trying to decide if they wanted her back or not! What??? How could you not want your fur-baby back? That was my first clue!
I was told I would have to call every day to "check her status" I did.....for 5 days! When I finally got word they decided to relinquish her they told me she would be available for adoption on Sunday....first come, first served. They opened at 1:00 pm. Well....I was sitting in the parking lot at 6:30 AM with my knitting, newspaper and a thermos of coffee.....waiting! you think I wanted that baby? About 20 minutes after I got there another car full of little kids pulled up and who do you think they wanted? girl! Fortunately, a guy from the pound had already come out to the car, asked who I wanted and took my driver's liscense in and attached it to her she was already mine! Turns out I got to meet her "other" owners...the ones who threw her away....who were there to get ANOTHER dog....because she wasn't good with kids....GRRRRRR.....I wasn't very nice to all! I even told the people inside I didn't think she should be allowed to get another one! Anyway, I got ahold of that precious little girl and took her home. She had been severly hair on her booty at all from un-treated allergies and obviously abused as well. She wanted me to hold her, but was terrified of being picked up and would try to bite. For the first 4 months I would have to lay a pillow on the floor, let her hop onto the pillow, then pick the pillow up with her on it. After that initial adjustment period she regained her confidence and now she rules the house and everyone in! She seems to think she is a rottie instead of a yorkie the way she "bosses" everyone around. She has arthritis and cataracts now....thus the funny eyes in the pic...but her silly antics have brought us untold joy and laughter the past several years. I know she probably doesn't have

And last, but certainly not least...the newest...and I SWEAR the last fur-kid! Stoneleigh! He turned 1 year old in January.....and he is a stinker! Or maybe I have just forgotten what it is like to have a new puppy in the house....Oh My Goodness!!! Into everything....yes....even my knitting. I know of at least one pair of dp's that he chewed up and a couple of things he very graciously frogged for me!
He is such fun, though....and so very good with the grand-kids! A terrific breed for kids a Cavalier King Charles sweet and docile and he LOVES them! Wants to be right by them when they are here....all the adults in the house are persona-non-grata if kids are around! Savy

At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had a friend in Tulsa who I thought I knew well. Imagine my shock after 22 years of friendship to hear her tell me that their border collie of 12 years had gotten out of the backyard, been picked up by the pound and that they decided to let him stay at the pound! I told her that dog missed them and wanted them to show up and bring him home. She told me "he's just an animal, Kay." It did something to our friendship. So I know what you mean about the previous owners of your fur baby.
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
That stinks about the blog, but I look forward to new blogs.
The dogs are cute.
At 12:25 PM,
Missy said…
All your fur babies are soooo cute! I love the story behind Gidget and I'm glad you were able to save her and give her a better life.
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your fur babies are adorable! My SIL has one purebred Yorkie and two Yorkie/Pom mixes and I can testify to their personalities.
I'll keep checking in!
Scarf Pal
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