Just too much!
Ever have one of those weeks that just has soooo much happen that you feel like you are on full-throttle sensory overload? That was last week! It was so full of happenings that it's still hard to keep them all straight in my head! Fortunately, there was some good tossed in there but there was a whole lot of "bad" in the mix as well.
Maybe by "blogging" it I can get it all into perspective! Might as well get the bad stuff over first so I can mentally leave the blog on a good and happy note.
I've already written about the loss of my precious, itty-bitty Gidget. That is still hard. So many little things remind me of her and I guess, will for a long, long time. The delay I talked about in the last post that kept me from being with her when she started failing was our trip to Austin.
It was supposed to be a quick weekend to attend a wedding. Well, I ended up being admitted to an Austin hospital through the emergency room and was there 4 days! Official diagnosis was Acute Diverticulitous. Had heard of it but knew virtually nothing about it. I certainly know more than I would like to about it now! IT HURTS! I don't remember much about the first 2 days because they kept me pumped full of morphine. Praise God, the mega-doses of antibiotics and a clear liquid diet seems to have taken care of it. From what I have been told I was seconds from rupturing internally and having to have surgery to remove part of my colon! Not a fun experience....then coming home and losing my little fur-girl......well.....
We also got the news that my darling daughter is having to have major surgery this week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Any surgery is hard and when you have Fibromyalgia like she does it doesn't make it any easier. I'll have Little Mr. Dax while she recuperates. My Savy girl is in Texas with her other Grandparents and we won't even go into that. I just wish she was here with me instead.
On top of all that fun stuff.......nope....bad stuff not over yet.....see what I mean about just too much? I don't know what we did to offend the Universe, but I'm sure hoping we get a respite from it all for a while. On the day we lost Gidget DH was beside himself to keep busy to keep his mind off of it. He decided to run down to the Aquarium store where he gets all his supplies for his Reef Tank and get some purified water to do a water change. He has just done wonders with that tank I got him for Christmas a couple of years ago. It was absolutely gorgeous....like something out of a magazine! It is his "knitting" if you know what I mean.....and is just as passionate and obsessed with it as I am my hobby! He equates what happened to having a fire in my yarn room!!! Not sure I agree with that analysis but it was really awful! Anyway, somehow, someway....the water got polluted with ammonia. We have no idea how....he keeps the jugs sealed between changes and I don't see how anything could get in them....at all! Of course, the Aquarium store gave him all kinds of objections and explanations that it couldn't have possibly happened there either....sorry....not buying it. All she did was give him 20 gallons of water.....precious little compensation considering what happened! We are talking thousands that he has invested....literally! Within 30 minutes of doing the water change the entire house was permeated with a horrendous "fishy" smell......and he lost approximatel HALF of his tank babies.....and the rest all looked sick! He had to do a mega water change to try and save what he had left. Thank goodness we haven't lost anything else since he did that.....but he's got to do several more major water changes in the next few days to get the rest of the polluted water out. Doing it that often stresses the inhabitants so we are just crossing our fingers that nobody else dies. And that....Praise the Lord.....is the last of the bad luck...hopefully for a long time!
At least we did have some good times to help counteract all that stuff!
We had Daxton's 2nd birthday party! I can't believe that little stinker is 2! Time does fly. DH did his cake, of course! My darling Hubby is so talented! All you ever have to do is give him a theme and he comes up with the most amazing creations! This year Dax is obsessed with Elmo from Sesame Street. Everything is all about "M0-Mo"....better known by the world at large as Elmo so that was the theme of the party!
Here are a couple of pics of the cake!

Amazing isn't it! And trust me....the pics don't do it justice! Every adult at the party just raved!
And here is the Birthday Boy!

He's gonna be a heart-breaker with those big blue eyes, is he not?
The other goodness that, thank goodness, came my way comes from yarn....lots of yarn :-)
I got a sock club shipment, my sweet Amanda gifted me two beautiful yarns from a trip she took to Texas and I at least got to do some yarn shopping before I landed in the hospital in Austin! I'll do the yarn Pron in the next post....just a teaser to keep you comin back...lol! No, really I'm just getting a little tired....haven't come close to getting the energy level back since the hospital stay so I need to stop for a bit. Will post pics of the fun stuff later!
Maybe by "blogging" it I can get it all into perspective! Might as well get the bad stuff over first so I can mentally leave the blog on a good and happy note.
I've already written about the loss of my precious, itty-bitty Gidget. That is still hard. So many little things remind me of her and I guess, will for a long, long time. The delay I talked about in the last post that kept me from being with her when she started failing was our trip to Austin.
It was supposed to be a quick weekend to attend a wedding. Well, I ended up being admitted to an Austin hospital through the emergency room and was there 4 days! Official diagnosis was Acute Diverticulitous. Had heard of it but knew virtually nothing about it. I certainly know more than I would like to about it now! IT HURTS! I don't remember much about the first 2 days because they kept me pumped full of morphine. Praise God, the mega-doses of antibiotics and a clear liquid diet seems to have taken care of it. From what I have been told I was seconds from rupturing internally and having to have surgery to remove part of my colon! Not a fun experience....then coming home and losing my little fur-girl......well.....
We also got the news that my darling daughter is having to have major surgery this week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Any surgery is hard and when you have Fibromyalgia like she does it doesn't make it any easier. I'll have Little Mr. Dax while she recuperates. My Savy girl is in Texas with her other Grandparents and we won't even go into that. I just wish she was here with me instead.
On top of all that fun stuff.......nope....bad stuff not over yet.....see what I mean about just too much? I don't know what we did to offend the Universe, but I'm sure hoping we get a respite from it all for a while. On the day we lost Gidget DH was beside himself to keep busy to keep his mind off of it. He decided to run down to the Aquarium store where he gets all his supplies for his Reef Tank and get some purified water to do a water change. He has just done wonders with that tank I got him for Christmas a couple of years ago. It was absolutely gorgeous....like something out of a magazine! It is his "knitting" if you know what I mean.....and is just as passionate and obsessed with it as I am my hobby! He equates what happened to having a fire in my yarn room!!! Not sure I agree with that analysis but it was really awful! Anyway, somehow, someway....the water got polluted with ammonia. We have no idea how....he keeps the jugs sealed between changes and I don't see how anything could get in them....at all! Of course, the Aquarium store gave him all kinds of objections and explanations that it couldn't have possibly happened there either....sorry....not buying it. All she did was give him 20 gallons of water.....precious little compensation considering what happened! We are talking thousands that he has invested....literally! Within 30 minutes of doing the water change the entire house was permeated with a horrendous "fishy" smell......and he lost approximatel HALF of his tank babies.....and the rest all looked sick! He had to do a mega water change to try and save what he had left. Thank goodness we haven't lost anything else since he did that.....but he's got to do several more major water changes in the next few days to get the rest of the polluted water out. Doing it that often stresses the inhabitants so we are just crossing our fingers that nobody else dies. And that....Praise the Lord.....is the last of the bad luck...hopefully for a long time!
At least we did have some good times to help counteract all that stuff!
We had Daxton's 2nd birthday party! I can't believe that little stinker is 2! Time does fly. DH did his cake, of course! My darling Hubby is so talented! All you ever have to do is give him a theme and he comes up with the most amazing creations! This year Dax is obsessed with Elmo from Sesame Street. Everything is all about "M0-Mo"....better known by the world at large as Elmo so that was the theme of the party!
Here are a couple of pics of the cake!
Amazing isn't it! And trust me....the pics don't do it justice! Every adult at the party just raved!
And here is the Birthday Boy!
He's gonna be a heart-breaker with those big blue eyes, is he not?
The other goodness that, thank goodness, came my way comes from yarn....lots of yarn :-)
I got a sock club shipment, my sweet Amanda gifted me two beautiful yarns from a trip she took to Texas and I at least got to do some yarn shopping before I landed in the hospital in Austin! I'll do the yarn Pron in the next post....just a teaser to keep you comin back...lol! No, really I'm just getting a little tired....haven't come close to getting the energy level back since the hospital stay so I need to stop for a bit. Will post pics of the fun stuff later!
At 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! I hope nothing but good things comes your way for weeks and weeks and months. I'll keep Amanda in my thoughts. Take care!
At 5:07 AM,
Linda said…
Holy crap. You hang in there. You know how to find me if you need anything at all.
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