Thank Goodness!
Thank goodness there aren't any knitting police!! Oh, I'm still doing the "Book Adventure" thing....really I am.
I just happen to be stuck on book # 2 right now. I talked a little about diversions on the last post and I have had a few!
I am still going to do the Book Adventure.......I'll keep a project from a book on the needles at all times, but there is no rule that says that is the only thing I can knit on :-)
Here is one of the diversions..... Ok.....having all kinds of problems uploading pics. Won't let me put them where I want them and won't let me delete them once they are here....grrr.... anyway....this pic is the cowl Amanda did....can't get the ones I did to upload at all and her's uploaded twice and I can't delete one of them....anyway, the scoop on the cowls in later in the post.

The Wrap Me Up Shawl. Wish I'd gotten a pic of it off the blocking boards and on a body but that hasn't happened yet. It was really fun to knit. About the time you get really bored with a section it is time to start another one.
Another couple of quick projects jumped in front of the Tuscany shawl too. (Pic above and below, courtesy of blogger uploading problems) I have an "in" with the new buyer for needlework at Michaels. She is trying hard to up the ante and make that department better. It has, in my opinion, been one of the worst departments in that store! It's an uphill road and she has had to work hard for the improvements she would like to see in that department. She told me that they had a new yarn debuting mid Feb and asked me if I would mind knitting with it to see what I think. 7 colors in the new yarn came out in Feb and in May there will be 21 colors in this new yarn and several other new yarns that will hit the if you have noticed a huge reset in your local stores lately.....that is why....a lot of different new yarns and new accessories coming out in May. Anyway....I bought some of the Country Loom and did a cowl pattern that came on the ball band. Loved it!!! So much, in fact, went back for another color and did another one!

Amanda did one too and here is hers.
I also kind of got the bug to do some crochet. I've known how for years and years but never really done much with it. I have edged knitted things, made granny squares and coasters and that's about it. I was watching an episode of Knit and Crochet Today a few days ago and saw them working on this cute little child's tube dress in crochet. Well, decided to give it a go. Doing it out of Naturallycaron Country. 75% acrylic and 25% merino....pretty soft and washable. Has a nice drape too. Sigh......gonna try to put a pic up....hold your breath!

Enjoying the crocheting but pretty sure knitting still holds the top spot in my
Also did a pair of French Press felted slippers.....but they aren't felted yet so will save that pic until later.
We've also been doing some fun stuff with the grandkids......will leave those details and pics for next post because we are going out again this weekend with Dax .....will post them all next time.
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