Great Week
Another whirl-wind week just flew by! It's funny how much faster time goes by the older you get! I honestly can remember, when I was a child, that Sunday afternoons seemed to last FOREVER! We always went to church, came home and had lunch, then went back to church for the evening service. Those few hours between church services just seemed to never end! Now it seems like the whole week goes by faster than those few hours used to! We won't even talk about how fast a year goes by!
The week started last Sunday with the Clapotis-Tea at The Gourmet Yarn Company. That was such a blast! True to form, I forgot to take a camera but there are some great pics here
and here . I had not even thought about doing a "clappy" until the plans for the tea came about, but I could not miss something with that much potential for knitterly fun, could I? I promptly cast one on and wore it (with needles dangling) around my neck to the tea! I did finish it that night when I got home.

I did it from the Cherry Tree Hill I had left when I had to frog the MS3. Pretty non-descript in this colorway, but at least I do have a Clapotis now!
Monday I kept Mr. Dax. He was running a little temp and had gunky nose and eyes. This nasty cold/flu/crud bug just keeps coming back. So many people have gotten it!! I just keep knocking wood that it doesn't find its way to my house!
I worked at Gourmet Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I loved working, as usual, but I hate it that Nancy has that "crud"....the reason I was there! Squished in some grocery shopping and picking up meds to take to Daddy, got a little done around the house in the evenings.....and Friday....I sat on my booty and knitted!
Got Savy's Polkadot done....YEA! She loves it....that always feels good!

We had her and Clayton for a sleep-over Friday night. It was so much fun watching the two of them together! They haven't been around one another all that much and it was cute to see how much of a little "mommie" Savy was to him! She really watched over him and worked so hard to entertain cute!
Saturday morning David and Amanda brought Dax over to join in the fun! It was such a glorious day outside and they all had a blast making good use of the playhouse and sandbox. Just sitting back and watching them play is the best entertainment ever!

The day ended with the Knit-In at Gourmet. I swear, MG knows how to throw a party! Every month the crowd just gets bigger and bigger! If you get there late it is getting hard to find a spot! I actually took the camera with me this time.....then forgot to take pics...what is up with me and the camera thing lately? Anyway, it was a blast, as usual! I worked on the Modern Log Cabin Wrap while there.

I'm really enjoying this project! It is one of those projects that I had no desire, what-so-ever, to do.....until I saw it in progress, in person, so to speak. I'm a little over half done at this point. The photo of it in the pattern did not speak to me....but seeing the actual did.....sort of like the Lady Eleanor that everyone is doing now.....that I am trying to convince myself I do not need to!
Strangely enough the wrap and one pair of socks is all I have going right now but I'm quite sure that will change soon enough. I only have about 2 dozen things in mind I want to do!
The week started last Sunday with the Clapotis-Tea at The Gourmet Yarn Company. That was such a blast! True to form, I forgot to take a camera but there are some great pics here
and here . I had not even thought about doing a "clappy" until the plans for the tea came about, but I could not miss something with that much potential for knitterly fun, could I? I promptly cast one on and wore it (with needles dangling) around my neck to the tea! I did finish it that night when I got home.
I did it from the Cherry Tree Hill I had left when I had to frog the MS3. Pretty non-descript in this colorway, but at least I do have a Clapotis now!
Monday I kept Mr. Dax. He was running a little temp and had gunky nose and eyes. This nasty cold/flu/crud bug just keeps coming back. So many people have gotten it!! I just keep knocking wood that it doesn't find its way to my house!
I worked at Gourmet Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I loved working, as usual, but I hate it that Nancy has that "crud"....the reason I was there! Squished in some grocery shopping and picking up meds to take to Daddy, got a little done around the house in the evenings.....and Friday....I sat on my booty and knitted!
Got Savy's Polkadot done....YEA! She loves it....that always feels good!
We had her and Clayton for a sleep-over Friday night. It was so much fun watching the two of them together! They haven't been around one another all that much and it was cute to see how much of a little "mommie" Savy was to him! She really watched over him and worked so hard to entertain cute!
Saturday morning David and Amanda brought Dax over to join in the fun! It was such a glorious day outside and they all had a blast making good use of the playhouse and sandbox. Just sitting back and watching them play is the best entertainment ever!
The day ended with the Knit-In at Gourmet. I swear, MG knows how to throw a party! Every month the crowd just gets bigger and bigger! If you get there late it is getting hard to find a spot! I actually took the camera with me this time.....then forgot to take pics...what is up with me and the camera thing lately? Anyway, it was a blast, as usual! I worked on the Modern Log Cabin Wrap while there.
I'm really enjoying this project! It is one of those projects that I had no desire, what-so-ever, to do.....until I saw it in progress, in person, so to speak. I'm a little over half done at this point. The photo of it in the pattern did not speak to me....but seeing the actual did.....sort of like the Lady Eleanor that everyone is doing now.....that I am trying to convince myself I do not need to!
Strangely enough the wrap and one pair of socks is all I have going right now but I'm quite sure that will change soon enough. I only have about 2 dozen things in mind I want to do!
At 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
That Modern Quilt Wrap is gorgeous. I tried knitting with Kid Silk Haze 2 years ago and swore it off so I am very impressed that you have and your wrap is beautiful.
At 4:54 PM,
Laura said…
What fun! I keep getting tempted by Clapotis, too. If someone hosted a tea, I'd definitley give in. And your Polkadot looks great!
At 5:57 AM,
Linda said…
It was a great day Saturday. And the Polka Dot is just adorable.
Hope things are good with you guys - shoot me an email and let me know how it's going?
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