Good but Tough
I know it's not the end of the year yet, but am feeling retrospective for some reason this morning. Thinking about, in a lot of ways, what a good year it has been....although it has flown by and I'm still trying to figure out where it went! Blessings abound with the love of a wonderful family, the ability to live a comfortable life with a nice home, food on the table and the financial ability to do some extras now and then.....such wonderful blessings!
One area of life this year that has been a little stressful is health issues. It has been a little tough in that area. We had two losses this year. My beautiful older daughter lost her first baby in the first trimester. They waited so long to try and start a family and we were all so excited at the prospect but it was not to be. I'm so hoping they will try again! We also lost my son-in-law's (Amanda's husband) father to a heart attack this year. He was a larger-than-life type of guy and so full of life! He was a true artist by trade. Painted and sold pictures at his cabin in Turner Falls. He was only 70 and from all appearances, in better health than any of us! He could do 18 holes of golf without even breaking stride....and he refused to use a golf cart! It was such a shock, such a huge loss, and so unexpected.
For the most part our family has always enjoyed good health over the years.....a wonderful thing....but in some ways it makes it difficult to deal with constant health problems when they do arise! My precious younger daughter has had a plate full of health issues this year. Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia is kicker enough, but it seems like one thing after another is dumped on top of that. Two surgeries and a multitude of other minor illnesses just keep coming one after the other....then those always set the Fibro into a tailspin. My heart just aches for her and I so wish I could "fix it" the way Moms are want to do! I'm just so thankful that the medical profession is starting to recognize this insidious disease and is working on treatments for it. For so long it was just a catch-all diagnosis when they couldn't figure out what is wrong. Well....I can tell is real....and it is awful! She is so very brave and so determined that this thing isn't going to get the best of her....I'm so proud and so in awe of her determination to beat this thing. I don't know if I could have the strength of will she has shown!
It seems like I have been plagued with one thing after another this year too! Very annoying to say the least! From arthritis in my hands....not a fun thing for an avid knitter to say the unexplained dizzy spells and not being able to drive for a while, a raging case of diverticulitous which resulted in an emergency hospitalization while out of state and a minor surgery to remove a adenomous has seemed to be one thing after another with me too! Very minor surgery to get the polyp but I don't seem to bounce back like I used to. Still dealing with some exhaustion and residual pain almost a week later. Needless to say I'm looking forward to a NEW year free of health issues for my family!!!
Now on to more pleasant things! :-) I have still been busy creatively. It does seem a little like the FO's have been somewhat! I don't think I ever go too many days without working on something, but I have so many things started that it doesn't seem like much gets finished! So.....I have now decided to clean up some of the wip's before starting anything new....I think I have upwards of a dozen or so to chose from! I have been focusing the past week or so on the Central Park Hoodie. I'm on the last sleeve so will hopefully have an FO to post soon! I'm doing it out of Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran. I love the feel of the yarn and the fabric it is making but I've read some people say it pills pretty badly....I'm hoping that's not the case! I hate wearing sweaters with pills!'s hoping I can stay focused on finishing what I have started the next few weeks!!! Next up.....finishing the MS4. Am up to the last clue then will have to repeat the pattern and graft the two sides together. Really awful picture...hope the finished one comes out better!

Then the second Handsome Devil sock for DH out of Colinette Jitterbug will be done! (yes...his feet are huge!)

And the list goes on....I'll just wait and post pics of fo's as they are done.
Two things I have managed to get finished are the Mosaic Bag for the Gourmet Yarn Co. fall retreat! Just need to felt it! I loved doing this bag and can see myself doing others in different colors somewhere down the road! Pattern by LP...unbelievably talented knitter, VP of OKC Metro Knitter's Guild and special all around person and friend!

And last, but not least! Something else that is almost finished....and MUST be done before Friday:

Savy wanted to be a fairy for Halloween this year! Last year I made her a white fuzzy kitty cat costume. This year it's a silver and white fairy! She has her "fairy make-up" and the dress is done. The wings are formed and today I'm going to get the white tights, ribbon, glue and glitter to dress out the wing forms!
There are so many other things....wip's, stash enhancement and life happenings, but when posts are so few and far between it's too hard to get caught up in one!
One area of life this year that has been a little stressful is health issues. It has been a little tough in that area. We had two losses this year. My beautiful older daughter lost her first baby in the first trimester. They waited so long to try and start a family and we were all so excited at the prospect but it was not to be. I'm so hoping they will try again! We also lost my son-in-law's (Amanda's husband) father to a heart attack this year. He was a larger-than-life type of guy and so full of life! He was a true artist by trade. Painted and sold pictures at his cabin in Turner Falls. He was only 70 and from all appearances, in better health than any of us! He could do 18 holes of golf without even breaking stride....and he refused to use a golf cart! It was such a shock, such a huge loss, and so unexpected.
For the most part our family has always enjoyed good health over the years.....a wonderful thing....but in some ways it makes it difficult to deal with constant health problems when they do arise! My precious younger daughter has had a plate full of health issues this year. Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia is kicker enough, but it seems like one thing after another is dumped on top of that. Two surgeries and a multitude of other minor illnesses just keep coming one after the other....then those always set the Fibro into a tailspin. My heart just aches for her and I so wish I could "fix it" the way Moms are want to do! I'm just so thankful that the medical profession is starting to recognize this insidious disease and is working on treatments for it. For so long it was just a catch-all diagnosis when they couldn't figure out what is wrong. Well....I can tell is real....and it is awful! She is so very brave and so determined that this thing isn't going to get the best of her....I'm so proud and so in awe of her determination to beat this thing. I don't know if I could have the strength of will she has shown!
It seems like I have been plagued with one thing after another this year too! Very annoying to say the least! From arthritis in my hands....not a fun thing for an avid knitter to say the unexplained dizzy spells and not being able to drive for a while, a raging case of diverticulitous which resulted in an emergency hospitalization while out of state and a minor surgery to remove a adenomous has seemed to be one thing after another with me too! Very minor surgery to get the polyp but I don't seem to bounce back like I used to. Still dealing with some exhaustion and residual pain almost a week later. Needless to say I'm looking forward to a NEW year free of health issues for my family!!!
Now on to more pleasant things! :-) I have still been busy creatively. It does seem a little like the FO's have been somewhat! I don't think I ever go too many days without working on something, but I have so many things started that it doesn't seem like much gets finished! So.....I have now decided to clean up some of the wip's before starting anything new....I think I have upwards of a dozen or so to chose from! I have been focusing the past week or so on the Central Park Hoodie. I'm on the last sleeve so will hopefully have an FO to post soon! I'm doing it out of Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran. I love the feel of the yarn and the fabric it is making but I've read some people say it pills pretty badly....I'm hoping that's not the case! I hate wearing sweaters with pills!'s hoping I can stay focused on finishing what I have started the next few weeks!!! Next up.....finishing the MS4. Am up to the last clue then will have to repeat the pattern and graft the two sides together. Really awful picture...hope the finished one comes out better!
Then the second Handsome Devil sock for DH out of Colinette Jitterbug will be done! (yes...his feet are huge!)
And the list goes on....I'll just wait and post pics of fo's as they are done.
Two things I have managed to get finished are the Mosaic Bag for the Gourmet Yarn Co. fall retreat! Just need to felt it! I loved doing this bag and can see myself doing others in different colors somewhere down the road! Pattern by LP...unbelievably talented knitter, VP of OKC Metro Knitter's Guild and special all around person and friend!
And last, but not least! Something else that is almost finished....and MUST be done before Friday:
Savy wanted to be a fairy for Halloween this year! Last year I made her a white fuzzy kitty cat costume. This year it's a silver and white fairy! She has her "fairy make-up" and the dress is done. The wings are formed and today I'm going to get the white tights, ribbon, glue and glitter to dress out the wing forms!
There are so many other things....wip's, stash enhancement and life happenings, but when posts are so few and far between it's too hard to get caught up in one!