Labor Day Weeknd
Already? Man, where has this year gone? I can't believe it's September already! It's crazy how fast time goes the older I get. Shoot...when I was a kid the few hours between morning service and evening service on Sundays lasted FOORRREEVVER!
We have had a quiet holiday so far. Just me, Hubby and the fur-kids, but David, Amanda, the kids and Dad coming over later for cook-out. They are bringing their new fur-kid...Boomer, to play with our four-legged kiddos.
Last Sunday Ron and Savy went to Petsmart to get a couple of new fish for his tank and came home with a new addition to the household!

Her name is Chenille. She was rescued from a puppy mill along with 38 other little ones. Amanda fell so in love with her that she went back this week and found her little Boomer from the same bunch! She has adapted so well and so's like she's been here forever and that little face just makes you laugh every time you look at her....I've been calling her Funny Face more than! She got the doggie door down pat and just barrels through it now! Of course, she uses it mainly to bring various things in to play with more than an access to the yard for going potty! She went in and out last night dozens of times and each time had a new "treasure" that we had to relieve her rocks, kid's toys, bugs, etc.
The boys are adjusting to her and Stoneleigh actually breaks down and plays with her some....not a lot yet...but some. It's funny how they pout for a while when you bring in someone new. I remember Cricket and little Gidget gave Stoneleigh the cold shoulder for quite a while when he was first he and Cricket are best buds!
Not much to show on the knitting front. Still have the finishing touches to do on the Master's kit and working on the Nightsongs shawl. One of the issues I mentioned in the last post has to do with pain in my left arm. I hurt it back in March and have traipsed back and forth to doctor after doctor trying to get it taken care of. I can only knit for a few minutes before it really gets painful. Not being able to knit is NOT a good thing for this girl. It's WHO I AM, for heaven's sake! I finally found a doctor who was actually interested in finding out what is wrong...thank the Lord! The last one I went to told me it was bursitis and gave me a cortisone shot in the bursa. When I told him it didn't help he just got defensive and condesending. I tried to get back in to see him when, after 2 weeks, the pain had gotten much worse and was told he didn't want to see me again for another 2 weeks, but they would be happy to give me pain meds!!!??? Excuse me...narcotics is NOT the solution I am looking for.....I want to know why it hurts, why I can't raise my arm even chest level and how it can be fixed! Anyway...turns out he is the idiot...not me! I knew something else was going on the the new doc found it! I have a torn rotator cuff. All these months of hurting could have been avoided if the first doc would have just taken a darn MRI. A little mad? Yep! Sure am! As a result of it going on so long I also now have frozen shoulder from not using the arm! Anyway, going to a shoulder specialist tomorrow. I know I'm looking physical therapy at the very least and possibly surgery to repair the tear....just fix it already so the girl can KNIT!
We have had a quiet holiday so far. Just me, Hubby and the fur-kids, but David, Amanda, the kids and Dad coming over later for cook-out. They are bringing their new fur-kid...Boomer, to play with our four-legged kiddos.
Last Sunday Ron and Savy went to Petsmart to get a couple of new fish for his tank and came home with a new addition to the household!
Her name is Chenille. She was rescued from a puppy mill along with 38 other little ones. Amanda fell so in love with her that she went back this week and found her little Boomer from the same bunch! She has adapted so well and so's like she's been here forever and that little face just makes you laugh every time you look at her....I've been calling her Funny Face more than! She got the doggie door down pat and just barrels through it now! Of course, she uses it mainly to bring various things in to play with more than an access to the yard for going potty! She went in and out last night dozens of times and each time had a new "treasure" that we had to relieve her rocks, kid's toys, bugs, etc.
The boys are adjusting to her and Stoneleigh actually breaks down and plays with her some....not a lot yet...but some. It's funny how they pout for a while when you bring in someone new. I remember Cricket and little Gidget gave Stoneleigh the cold shoulder for quite a while when he was first he and Cricket are best buds!
Not much to show on the knitting front. Still have the finishing touches to do on the Master's kit and working on the Nightsongs shawl. One of the issues I mentioned in the last post has to do with pain in my left arm. I hurt it back in March and have traipsed back and forth to doctor after doctor trying to get it taken care of. I can only knit for a few minutes before it really gets painful. Not being able to knit is NOT a good thing for this girl. It's WHO I AM, for heaven's sake! I finally found a doctor who was actually interested in finding out what is wrong...thank the Lord! The last one I went to told me it was bursitis and gave me a cortisone shot in the bursa. When I told him it didn't help he just got defensive and condesending. I tried to get back in to see him when, after 2 weeks, the pain had gotten much worse and was told he didn't want to see me again for another 2 weeks, but they would be happy to give me pain meds!!!??? Excuse me...narcotics is NOT the solution I am looking for.....I want to know why it hurts, why I can't raise my arm even chest level and how it can be fixed! Anyway...turns out he is the idiot...not me! I knew something else was going on the the new doc found it! I have a torn rotator cuff. All these months of hurting could have been avoided if the first doc would have just taken a darn MRI. A little mad? Yep! Sure am! As a result of it going on so long I also now have frozen shoulder from not using the arm! Anyway, going to a shoulder specialist tomorrow. I know I'm looking physical therapy at the very least and possibly surgery to repair the tear....just fix it already so the girl can KNIT!