Back....sort of
I'm back again...sort of. Back as far as actually posting on here and sort of back as far as recovering from shoulder surgery. I had the surgery on Sept. 21. They repaired the rotator cuff tear and had to cut 360 degrees around the shoulder to release the frozen shoulder.
I know in time I'll be glad I had it done but right now it just hasn't been much fun. I can finally knit again....for a little while before the pain forces me to put it down....but boy, does it feel good to be able to do it again! I made jokes about knitting withdrawals before I had the surgery and it turned out to be so true!!! It really did drive me crazy for the 3 weeks that I couldn't do it at all! Still doing physical therapy 3 times a week to regain use of the arm and from what I've been told will be doing that for another 6-8 months....or as long as insurance covers it.
Consequently not much knitting to show off these! I made a concentrated effort to finish the Gail (Nightsongs) shawl out of the handmaiden sea silk before the surgery.

Pics really washed out the color but I was happy with how it turned out. The pattern was really confusing in the beginning but several people on Ravelry who made it worked up some tips and tricks to share that helped tremendously! Once I got the hang of it it worked up like a dream!
Since the return to knitting following surgery I have managed to finish my "car socks" so will have to start another pair of basic socks to keep in the car for unexpected down times.

I started a clapotis out of some Pingouin I had in the stash for my friend Amy. She was such a sweet heart to come up here and stay with me the second week following the surgery! I still couldn't do much of anything for myself and we appreciated her so, so much for coming up and taking care of me!
Not much in the way of other news except for getting a computer. I had been wanting a laptop so we wouldn't be incommunicado when we head out in the motor home and we decided it was time to go ahead and get one. Mainly because hubby's computer was a total dinosaur...really he took my old one and we set up the laptop at home with a docking station for me. Not being much of a techie, getting everything set up and transfered was a!
We are both dying to get out in the motorhome but that will have to wait a bit. Our favorite time to go is this time of year. Cold at night, cool/crisp mornings and mild afternoons to sit out under the awning and knit/read or take the dogs for walks. Right now I still can't sleep in a bed without the arm hurting and there isn't a fully reclining chair in the motor home so we will have to wait until I get to the point I don't have to sleep in a recliner. We went ahead and had it winterized but are hoping we can take off in it sometime in the next couple of months.
Tonight we will be heading out to trick or treat with Savy and Dax. This is the first year I wasn't able to make costumes :-(. I know it probably bothered me much more than it did! I always look forward to going with them and seeing them do their thing. We are hoping Clayton, Carter and Kiley join us this year. It will be fun having 5 of our 7 grandbabies to trick or treat with! What fun would it be to have all 7!!!!