Book 2-No Sheep For You-Amy Singer
The Book saga continues.....finally! I say finally because I have been trying to start the book 2 project all week!
I finished the little ribbed sweater and it is pinned to blocking boards as we speak. I had decided that I was going to do the Tuscany Shawl out of some Asland Trends Class I have in stash.

Looks like it would be beautiful, right? Well....I started.....and re-started it numerous times. This yarn just did NOT want to be this all! If you knit, you know what I mean! Sometimes the yarn decides for YOU what it wants to be!!! It did not want to be this either.

It is the River Rock Scarf from the same book. Honestly, I might have been able to convince it to be the scarf.....but I did not want to string the 1500+ beads and tried to add them as I went....just didn't work. Beads sat in the middle of the stitch and really needed to sit between the stitches.....the reason they needed to be pre-strung. Anyway....was not in the mood!
Anyway....gave up on the Asland Trends and dug around in the stash a little more. I finally decided to try the Tuscany again using some 100% silk by Pinguion that I snagged in an estate sale a while back. 

Couple of false starts with this one too, but i think it's going to work this time. I almost threw in the towel on this little knitting adventure of mine, but I managed to Not to say I won't have a diversion project now and then! There are a couple of them nagging me now as a matter of fact!
One of them is called "Wrap Me Up". Sorry I'm too lazy to create a link but if you are on Ravelry you can find it on a pattern search...It's way cool and looks like it would be really fun to it just might "jump on the needles" here one of these days :-)
Maybe out of this?

What do you think? I really kind of wanted to do earth-tone, fallish type colors but had nothing in stash that is self-striping....well, other than sock yarn which would not work obviously!. Because we are really trying to watch our spending this year and get back to being debt free AND go on lots of motorhome trips this year......I didn't feel like I should just go buy whatever I wanted.....I mean it would have been a lot.....if I had paid for it brand new....and the colors I really scored this off of a Ravelry Buddy...for almost half off retail....what the hey....I like pink and purple! We'll see how long I can stand it before I start this puppy! Being disciplined is, in some ways....over-rated!