It has been a while!! Things have been busy, busy, as usual around here. I also haven't posted much because my knitting focus has changed to doing Christmas presents and too many recipients read the many knitting pics will be going up over the next few months....and this is a knitting blog after all! Anyway, posts may be a bit fewer and farther between during this gift knitting period!! I have 15 people on my "Knit List" for knitted gifts! Then I have to do another sequined felt stocking for the newest grandchild before Christmas as well!
I have made some progress though....I have finished 3 gifts and am working on the 4th. I'm not that far from finishing the MS3 so it's really hard to ignore it and focus on Christmas knitting....I'm dying to finish it for two, just to say I finished it and see what it looks like.....and see if I'm going to have enough's looking like I may not!!!!! When I bought the yarn I was looking for 1200 yards like she told us we would need in the beginning. Someone that was in the store with me told me she had posted a comment amending that yardage and saying that 760 yards would do it.....well....unfortunately, I listened and bought 2 420 yard hanks!!!! I have the entire last clue to do and I'm down to one itty bitty ball.....if I finish with enough yarn it's going to be by the skin of my teeth! If I run out I will probably frog the wing portion back to the section where we can shorten it and do the symetrical version....but I AM going to design or the ever it works out.
On other things.....DH and I took off last week for a mini-vacation in the motor home. We decided to go to Eureka Springs and see the Passion Play. We went there on our honeymoon but only got to spend one night and half a day there before getting a phone call that his Mom had a stroke! We have always intended to go back and just never gotten around to it. We had a wonderful time, but it is a hard trip to many things happened!!! Things that could have been so upsetting, but ended up being a blessing and life lessons in humility and patience!
We were just the other side of Siloam Springs when DH made the comment that the needle on the battery gage went down to nothing. Everything seemed ok so we kept going....well....about 60 to 70 miles out of Eureka, the motor home started sputtering, back-firing and losing power off and on. By that time we were on rain soaked, slick, two lane, mountainous roads with no place to pull off! He was afraid to slow down too much and lose the momentum and I tell you, it was one of the scariest rides I have ever experienced. This big ole, top heavy box of a vehicle literally careening up and down those roads with hills, valleys and hair-pin turns.....and in several places, sheer drop-offs on the passenger side!!! We just knew we weren't going to make it to the rv park!
By God's grace......we did! Blessing number one! Safe, sound and electricity to plug into! (It did take me a while to unlock my arms and legs, Blessing number two......we found a man who worked on it for us both Saturday and Sunday....which, according to the locals, is unheard of!!! It was a long drawn-out process with this wonderful man driving to two other towns over the weekend to find the right alternator to fit our rig. He put the first one in on Saturday....didn't he drove to the second town to get another one and put it in on Sunday! He took one look at the mechanical issues we had and said he had no idea how we made it should have been mechanically impossible! Turns out the alternator that was on it to begin with was wired wrong!!!! God is good! This process, normally, would have driven me insane.....we had our trip all mapped out and planned about what we were going to do and when.....and were stuck at the rv waiting on the repair guy....for two whole days of our 3 day trip! Blessing number three......we ended up enjoying our down-time and relaxing instead of running ourselves we met some of the most wonderful people that we would not have met if we had been out running around!
We did get to go see the Passion Play and enjoyed it tremendously, but the best part of the trip was discovering an artist I had never heard of before!!! He had paintings in the Passion Play Museum and the symbolism in them just takes my breath away! His name is
Jack E. Dawson .
We saw two paintings that really spoke to our hearts. We really wanted to get one, but we had gotten to the compound late because of the rv repairs and didn't have time to decide which one we wanted before the play started. That in itself ended up being a blessing!
As we headed out of town Monday morning, we stopped off at a cluster of shops to pick up a couple of souveniers to bring family members and went into a gift shop. Turned out that the shop owner is a personal friend of Jack Dawson's and had his work there!!! He was able to tell us things about the paintings that the tour-guide at the museum didn't know! These paintings are his ministry and based on scripture. He always places hidden images in the paintings. What we learned at the shop was that in all of his paintings (some more than others), years after the paint is images are found that he didn't purposely paint in!!! Ron and I both found "new" images in one of the paintings while we were in the shop hearing him tell about this phenomenon!!! We still had a hard time deciding which one we wanted but ended up getting one based on Matthew 10:31. "Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." The name of the painting is " His eye is on the Sparrow". He definately had his eye on us this trip so we felt it was fitting!

I wish you could see the painting better on here, but if you look closely you can see the little sparrow in the center of the painting sitting on a branch. Above it, to the right, in the trees, you can see Christ's face in the leaves, his shoulders, arms and hands in the rock......keeping an eye on the sparrow!!! There are many more images in it as well that you can't really see here. If you ever have a chance to go see his work in person....DO IT!!!! It is truly amazing!
There are many more "stories" to tell about this trip.....funny now, not so funny at the time, but this post is getting too long, so this will have to suffice! Let's just say we are glad we went, had a wonderful time and made some special memories......much better than sitting in front of the tv night after night!
In closing this post, I would like to ask you to continue to pray for my beautiful daughter. We have a tentative diagnosis about her health issues. Next week we will hopefully have a definative one, but the rhuematologist has said he is 90% sure she has Fibromyalgia. The tests are to rule out Lupus and Rhuematoid Arthritis. If they do, the Fibro diagnosis will be confirmed. It is an incurable, pain centered disease and pain management is about all that can be done. Please, please pray that a course of treatment can be found to alleviate the horrible pain and fatigue that goes along with this insidious disease!