Flash Your Stash Challenge & Day Trip
First a quick disclaimer...lol! I am trying to blog using a different process today. I have had so much trouble with writing then trying to upload pictures that apply, re-arranging everything to look nice, then publishing only to find HUGE empty spots, long strings of words going down the side of the page with no pic, etc.... Anyway...trying something different today...hope it works!
Our latest SP 10 challenge is to flash our stash...this sort of activity could prove to be quite embarrasing...lol....I'm sure that I am in good company, though....right?....come on...admit it....I know some of you out there have a bigger stash than mine....I KNOW you do....at least that is what I keep telling DH! The top two pics are of 4 shelves I have in my ex-real estate office.... now hobby room. The two partial shelves visible to the right on the left pic are my knitting books/patterns. Keep in mind, I have been knitting a loooonnnngggg time :-)!
These next two shots are baskets I have in the den full of misc yarn and left over project/sock yarns. These, of course, do not include the other "categorized" yarns that are in bags stashed in the corner of the hobby room....stuff like baby yarn for chairity knitting and cotton yarn for dish cloths.....oh...and one little drawer of novelty stuff for trimming projects if the mood strikes. Didn't tak pics of those. I THINK that's all of it, but I'm not swearing to anything...lol! Anyway...there it is...and if my DH ends up reading my blog, I'm holding my SP 10 hostess responsible...lol!! Not really...he knows about it all....well....most of it :-)... and this is kind of a fun challenge...thanks Robyn!!
These and the following pics are of yesterday at the Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks, Oklahoma. If you haven't been there it is definately worth the trip! It is a much bigger facility than I imagined and they have some wonderful displays!! Savy loved it and we all had a great time!
The ride only took about an hour and a half and going through took about the same amount of time so we were back home by mid-afternoon. A great day-trip!!

We sang a lot of songs on the way there and back, Savy did quite a bit of coloring and drawing and guess what I did? LOL....would you have guessed knitting! I did decide to go ahead and do the second worsted sock on ML. It is actually getting a little better. I worked on it all the way down and all the way back and my hands/wrists didn't hurt after!! So maybe I'll end up enjoying Magic Loop after all.......but I do have to admit, I still like my dpns better at this point. Will post a pic of them when I'm done. Still planning to do toe-up next and see what I think about those.
Another thought for the day:
"Laughing at ourselves as well as with each other give a surprising sense of togetherness."
Hazel Lee
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