A Challenge, A Change & A Knitting Funk
We have another challenge from our SP10 Hostess. To post a pic of all wip's. Can't say I'm even remotely excited about any of these projects.....maybe that is why I seem to be in some sort of weird knitting funk right now. For months I just seemed to have projects flying off the needles and was filling up my knitting journal with Fo's.....but lately it seems like I have been knitting as much as ever.....but not getting anything done! Strange phenomonen. They are all small projects, too! I expect a big one...like a sweater...to take forever, but gee
z...not these little things!
They consist of: A baby hat (charity knitting), another square for the heritage afghan, second one of a pair of basic socks and a potporri bag. Since this is my "designated" charity week for knitting, I thought doing the baby hats might get me kicked off again....I did manage to finish one hat but frogged an entire hat last night that I have worked on for two days...lol! Oh, well...I guess we all go through this at one time or another. And to be fair with myself, I did decide to do baby hats that are more time consuming and intricate than a basic hat. I think after charity knitting this week I'll just pick one wip.....and finish it...maybe that will work better than casting on a whole new project that I am excited about....
On to the change......I have gone back to work! Part-time to be sure, though. Wasn't really planning to right now. It is something that I probably need to and should do, but don't have to so I just haven't done anything about it. We are doing ok and I'm still plugging along on the "getting debt free" plan....have the car down to under a thousand (got it one year ago) then all is left is the second on the house we had to take to get it liveable again....then the mortgage. All credit cards are gone and cut-up at this point and plan is to take what I have been paying on the car and dump it plus the regular payment onto the second to knock it out. Anyway....a little bit of extra income will help accomplish that faster so when I got a call for a part-time job offer out of the blue....I decided to take it.
I went in for 3 hours yesterday and "start" on Monday. It is for an area Realtor and she just needs someone to help her get her business organized and get some systems set up. It's a relatively decent hourly wage and I'll only be working about 4 hours a day three days a week....so I'll still have time to knit and watch grandkids! Not a whole lot of money but every little bit helps....and maybe my "yarn diet" won't have to be quite so stringent....lol!
I did get another "small" package out to my SP spoilee this week....just a little something to let her know I'm thinking about her. Now I need to start building the big finale/reveal package! Her birthday is in June too, so I want to make it a really special package....so...that's a hint, SPers.......if your birthday is in June.....I just MIGHT be your spoiler!
At 9:09 PM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
Congrats on the debt free plan. We're Dave Ramsey listeners and working on that, too!
I hope you enjoy your new job.
Have a great upcoming weekend!
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