SP10 Challenge
Ok, this may prove to be a tad embarrassing...lol! My SP 10 Hostess, Robyn, has issued us another challenge/contest! She has these periodically and they are such fun and so interesting! This time the subject of the post is to be about our oldest yarn/project. And boy is mine OLD!!
I learned to knit when I was around 11 or 12 to earn a Girl Scout Needlework badge! I can still remember walking to this little old lady's house (at least she seemed old to me at the time :-), every Saturday for my knitting lesson. I have knitted off and on since then. For years I would interchange my crafts. I'd knit for a while, put it down, cross-stitch a while, put it down, quilt, do miniatures/doll houses, go back to knitting, etc. I even got into oil painting for several years and taught kid's oil painting classes. Sometimes it would be a few years before I did a lot of knitting again.
I guess it was about 6 years ago that I picked up the needles again and haven't put them down since! Anyway....back to the oldest project!! I started this project for my older daughter, Melissa, when she was in high school. She just turned 32!!! Soooo I guess that makes this about 14-15 or so years old!! After digging it out and looking at it...I honestly can't remember why I didn't finish it! It was working up really nice and I was so close to having it done!
It is a pattern from Pingouin summer 93 booklet. The price on the book is $6.95....my how things change...lol! I was doing it in Katia Papiro, a 53% cotton, 47% linen blend. I wish there were a price still on the yarn...now that would be interesting, wouldn't it? Maybe, now that it's been brought back to my attention, I'll jump in and finish it this summer...who knows!
Got my second SP10 box to the post office yesterday. I just love doing this and thinking up surprises for my pal! I hope she likes this box of goodies as much as she seemed to like the first one! It's hard not to talk more about it since I'm having so much fun, but she is a real sleuth....and I don't want to be figured out before the reveal so I had better hush!!!
Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful day! I'm starting to get the urge to go outside and dig in the dirt! It's funny how that is such a balm for my soul!! I have found that it is the perfect thing to lift my spirits and give me peace when something has happened to hurt or upset me...especially when it was unprovoked.
I'll end the post with something I read last night. DH and I have a nightly routine. I get a publication call Daily Bread and we read the day's devotional every night in bed together before we go to sleep. The day's scripture was Luke 6:41-45. Part of the analogy was this - "Being able to see other people's faults easily without ever noticing my own is not just an indication of hypocrisy. It can be a wake-up call that the problem in a struggling relationship may be me. Perhaps it's my attitude that needs to change. Or I'm the one who needs to apologize. Maybe I'm the person who needs a humble spirit. It's a lesson some of us have to learn over and over. We can't change others, but the God's help we can change our own behavior. When our attitude changes, it may seem as if others have changed as well."
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry you had a hurtful day! I'm not a knitter so don't know much about yarn protocol but I do know you...one of the nicest most caring people I've met...and that comment seemed just plain old rude to me!
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was reading a blog of someone I don't know earlier this week. She is a pretty opinionated soul and sometimes it's difficult for me to continue reading. But on this day she was talking about how women in particular seem to use the internet to strike out more viciously at others since they cower behind anonymity. I've seen this behavior over and over and it sure does get old. Don't let it get you down Carolyn! I think you are tops and others are just pea green. (and showing their behinds in the process)
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you....so much!
At 5:02 PM,
savyjade said…
I just had to chime in! You should never doubt your kindness or loving nature. You are the kind of person that I and MANY others I have spoken to strive to be! If God had ever sent an angel to earth I have a feeling they would be a lot like you! You have been there for me and so many others even when we didn't deserve it. You are the best person I know and I love you!!!!
At 5:02 PM,
savyjade said…
I just had to chime in! You should never doubt your kindness or loving nature. You are the kind of person that I and MANY others I have spoken to strive to be! If God had ever sent an angel to earth I have a feeling they would be a lot like you! You have been there for me and so many others even when we didn't deserve it. You are the best person I know and I love you!!!!
At 5:04 PM,
savyjade said…
Ohh..and all you have to do is read our blogs to know that kindness "does" run in our family. We base everything we do on kindness to others, especially those that deserve it. I got mine from you!
At 7:32 PM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
Don't let an anonymous comment bother you. The fact that it was anonymous says much about the author of that comment.
I know that each of us do as much as we can to support our local yarn shops. There is only one that I don't go to, but I would if it wasn't filled with smoke odor.
After years of participating on various lists and committees of organizations, anonymous comments or emails are always to go in the trash. If they don't have the courage to sign their name, then it is not worth reading. Many people get full of themselves when behind a computer screen and they are to be totally dismissed.
I know you enjoy and support the local yarn shops. We all love them. However, if gas prices keep going up, I may need to support them with online or phone-in orders. ; )
I'm sure all of us still have plenty of room to grow to be more like our Lord, but sweetie, that was an unprovoked and unnecessary comment on your blog. The commentor is the one with the plank issue here!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. And, I vote for you to finish your oldest UFO....it's so pretty.
At 9:58 PM,
CurliSu said…
Sounds like your past week has really had its ups and downs! I have to join the chorus of those who believe you're a very sweet and thoughtful person.
I'm sorry to hear about the dashed hopes. Just remember, sometimes what we think we want most is not what we really need. That Big Guy Upstairs knows what he is doing.
At 9:07 AM,
Susan said…
If certain people had bothered to read your post, they wouldn't have shown their bottom side to the world.
You are the best and anyone who knows you, knows that!
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