"Tattoos" and a Day in the Park
I didn't get much knitting done this weekend so nothing to report there...just added a few rows to the summer tee and the basic sock. It's funny...I've read several times out there in "blogland" that people are in a sort of a knitting funk right now and I seem to be too! If it's beyond idiot knitting I catch myself having to frog it over and over. Guess it's something in the air...lol....or in my case, I'm just distracted for some reason.
Other than no real knitting productivity I had a really nice weekend. We spent most of Saturday down at D & A's. DH helped David move a bedroom suite Amanda bought to the house and helped him hang a new ceiling fan in their bedroom. We brought Savy on home with us for the weekly overnight and, as always, enjoyed her so much!
We did arts and crafts as usual and by Sunday morning we all three were sporting new "tattoos"! Compliments of Savy, of course. I got pics of mine and hers, but Poppy had already washed his off by the time I got the camera out! She has always been intrigued by tattoos! Probably because her Aunt Mel and Uncle B have them. In my generation, when and where I was brought up, we thought tattoos were just the most awful thing ever!! Funny how your perception of those kinds of things change....well....sort of :-). I still can't imagine ever getting one myself...mostly because I'm a wimp...lol! I keep saying when I'm really old I'm going to get one just for the shock factor to my family!
Sunday afternoon we took a trek to the neighborhood park. It's so nice that we have two parks within walking distance to our house....and I'm so happy the weather is getting nice so we can go when the grandkids are here!
We all had a good time, including Stoneleigh! He got to meet a new puppy friend while we were there. This park has only one really big slide with open stairs so he had to be helped this time, but when we go to the other park he actually goes up the steps and slides by himself...over and over!! It is the funniest thing! He didn't seem to like this one that much though!
He didn't like the swinging things quite as much as Savy did either....lol! But all-in-all we had a great time just being outside together. After playing for a while we headed back home for a snack. Not long after Amanda came to pick her up and drop off some garage sale stuff. We are planning to have a garage sale in a couple of weeks. I have already donated a bunch of stuff to Habitat for Humanity and the garage is still full. I can get the van in but the other side is just packed. One of the hazards of down-sizing...lol! Ever since we moved back over here half of the garage has been packed...then when I retired and turned my real estate o
ffice into a hobby room I piled a bunch more stuff out there. I have been hanging on to "office" type stuff...like copiers, fax machines, etc. until I knew whether we were going to get the bakery or not so it is all out there too! Hopefully we will be 100% sure...one way or the other....before I have the garage sale so I can get all that stuff gone!!!
At 10:13 AM,
Susan said…
I STILL think we should have gotten tattoos at Atlantic City - OL!
And I am so impressed with Stoneleigh and the slides. You'd never get a cat to do that.
At 9:07 PM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
Thanks for sharing all the great pictures from the park and at home! : ) They always make me smile inside and out!
At 7:13 AM,
savyjade said…
I am always so glad when you put up pics of my babies!! Savy always has so much at your house! I miss you already even though I saw you Sunday. Thank you again for helping with the furniture! I love you.
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