SP 10 Challenge Again
We have another contest/challenge from SP 10 hostess. I had fully intended to get DH to take a picture to post along with this but having been sick all week-end and pretty much still recuperating to a degree....I have looked a little like hammered horse pucky for the last few days...so no pics of me in my favorite place to knit this time :-). That's what we are supposed to post about....our most common or favorite knitting place, what else I do (if anything) when I'm knitting, etc.
Like most obsessed knitters I will and do knit all kinds of places. I rarely leave the house without a knitting bag with some kind of project in it. I knit in Dr. offices, riding in the car...yes, riding...meaning when someone else is driving...lol, however...I have knitted in traffic jams, waiting for an order at Sonic, etc. when I am the driver! I have knitted in front of the computer before while listening to or watching something, at other people's homes...if they are the type that I know it won't offend them....at knitting groups/meetings, and probably a lot of other places I can't think of right now.
But most of my knitting gets done in my recliner while I'm watching tv.....or at least the tv is usually turned on....sometimes I'm actually watching it, sometimes it is background noise. Not really a unique knitting place unless you consider the fact that I always have a lap full of dogs there too...and I do mean always! If I'm sitting down at least two of them are in my lap, often times all three are there and on the rare occasion...the cat joins in too. It's not too bad once they all get "settled", but DH gets a huge kick out of seeing me jerk my knitting up in the air over my head because "somebody" is stomping around trying to get comfortable and I am attempting to keep them from sitting/lying on my project!
Of course, there are prerequisites that have to be in place before I (and they) get all settled in for knitting time. There HAS to be a full diet coke over ice next to me, if it's chilly I always have on down slippers and a woobie to cover up with, the tv remote and both phones (house & cell) need to be within reach.....have you ever tried to jump up to answer the phone when you have multiple breathing animal blankets that don't want to move on you?.....and of course the accessory bag with scissors, tape measure, chibis, etc. has to be close by too. I usually have two projects at hand just in case I get bored with one. In retrospect, I can't believe I go through all that preparation to knit...makes me tired just talking about it....lol!
Like most obsessed knitters I will and do knit all kinds of places. I rarely leave the house without a knitting bag with some kind of project in it. I knit in Dr. offices, riding in the car...yes, riding...meaning when someone else is driving...lol, however...I have knitted in traffic jams, waiting for an order at Sonic, etc. when I am the driver! I have knitted in front of the computer before while listening to or watching something, at other people's homes...if they are the type that I know it won't offend them....at knitting groups/meetings, and probably a lot of other places I can't think of right now.
But most of my knitting gets done in my recliner while I'm watching tv.....or at least the tv is usually turned on....sometimes I'm actually watching it, sometimes it is background noise. Not really a unique knitting place unless you consider the fact that I always have a lap full of dogs there too...and I do mean always! If I'm sitting down at least two of them are in my lap, often times all three are there and on the rare occasion...the cat joins in too. It's not too bad once they all get "settled", but DH gets a huge kick out of seeing me jerk my knitting up in the air over my head because "somebody" is stomping around trying to get comfortable and I am attempting to keep them from sitting/lying on my project!
Of course, there are prerequisites that have to be in place before I (and they) get all settled in for knitting time. There HAS to be a full diet coke over ice next to me, if it's chilly I always have on down slippers and a woobie to cover up with, the tv remote and both phones (house & cell) need to be within reach.....have you ever tried to jump up to answer the phone when you have multiple breathing animal blankets that don't want to move on you?.....and of course the accessory bag with scissors, tape measure, chibis, etc. has to be close by too. I usually have two projects at hand just in case I get bored with one. In retrospect, I can't believe I go through all that preparation to knit...makes me tired just talking about it....lol!
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
I tell everyone I have my "nest" around me. I have to be in front of the computer while watching tv. That way if something interesting is on tv I can turn and pull up info about it on the computer. Also when I knit I'm here in the same chair. I have all my "stuff" within reaching distance. Lordy, there is the real reason I'll never take pics of this room!! lol
At 8:59 PM,
Susan said…
Ah yes, the "knitting nest." When my sister Lori was out she said my Mom also has a "nest" around her chair - and she doesn't even knit!
I can identify with the preparation (and warm bodies) necessary for knitting.
At 11:01 AM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
Wow....your nest sounds almost identical to mine! : )
Have a wonderful week!
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