Monday, March 12, 2007
Monday again...they come around pretty quickly don't they? We had a good week-end though...they just never seem to last long enough! We had the first exec. committee meeting for the Knitting Guild on Saturday and I thought it went really well. We have a great slate of officers that are great to work with. I think we are all excited about the upcoming year for Guild!
After that, we had "our girl", Savy for her weekly over-nite at Mimi & Poppy's! I just love having her over and can't wait until Dax gets big enough to insist on coming, course, I want him to stay little as long as possible, too, so it's a catch-22. Sunday David, Amanda and Dax came out to get her and they hung around for a while and we went and got Dad. I just love "family" week-ends...just visiting, hanging out, eating a bunch of food together and playing with the kids. There is just nothing better in my book!
I don't know what we are going to do this next week-end....we will be lost! It is spring break here and the kids are going down to Texas. David, Amanda & Dax will come home Sunday or Monday, but Savy-girl is staying the week :-(!! Guess Poppy & I will be left provide our own!
I made some progress on the Monkey sock out of J.Knits on Saturday night after Savy went to bed, then put it down to do my charity knitting for Guild. It has really helped setting myself a "designated" charity knitting time...the week prior to Guild meeting. Got one little hat done last night and started another one. Hopefully I will get a few things done this week to turn in at the meeting.
For today.....CLEANING and laundry!! Haven't really cleaned since I started working on that darn business plan, but have it far enough along to take a break today and clean around here....! I'm one of those people who doesn't really love cleaning.....but love a clean house.....and get cranky when it gets what I consider to be dirty...drives me insane! I keep on entering those sweepstakes that give you a year of maid service, but no luck! to get busy...will leave with a shot of the kiddies from this weekend. Aren't they just the cutest kids, ever?!!! Of course, I'm not biased in any!
After that, we had "our girl", Savy for her weekly over-nite at Mimi & Poppy's! I just love having her over and can't wait until Dax gets big enough to insist on coming, course, I want him to stay little as long as possible, too, so it's a catch-22. Sunday David, Amanda and Dax came out to get her and they hung around for a while and we went and got Dad. I just love "family" week-ends...just visiting, hanging out, eating a bunch of food together and playing with the kids. There is just nothing better in my book!
I don't know what we are going to do this next week-end....we will be lost! It is spring break here and the kids are going down to Texas. David, Amanda & Dax will come home Sunday or Monday, but Savy-girl is staying the week :-(!! Guess Poppy & I will be left provide our own!
I made some progress on the Monkey sock out of J.Knits on Saturday night after Savy went to bed, then put it down to do my charity knitting for Guild. It has really helped setting myself a "designated" charity knitting time...the week prior to Guild meeting. Got one little hat done last night and started another one. Hopefully I will get a few things done this week to turn in at the meeting.
For today.....CLEANING and laundry!! Haven't really cleaned since I started working on that darn business plan, but have it far enough along to take a break today and clean around here....! I'm one of those people who doesn't really love cleaning.....but love a clean house.....and get cranky when it gets what I consider to be dirty...drives me insane! I keep on entering those sweepstakes that give you a year of maid service, but no luck! to get busy...will leave with a shot of the kiddies from this weekend. Aren't they just the cutest kids, ever?!!! Of course, I'm not biased in any!
At 9:19 AM,
savyjade said…
I had so much fun yesterday! I will miss you next weekend too! Love, Peanut
At 9:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I spent my entire weekend doing some spring cleaning. Ugh! I need a maid!!!
At 11:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
I swear those two kids are SO photogenic. Every time I see a pic of Daxton, I can't believe how big he's getting. Have a fun week!
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