SP10, WIP and FO

Went for "tutorial" yesterday on finishing the Kathleen felted bag! Funny how incredibly easy things are after someone shows you how to do it...at least for me anyway!! I have always been more of a visual type person. Regardless of what I am trying to learn I learn it faster if I can see it done...then do it myself instead of reading directions. Then actually doing it kind of "cements" things in my wee brain. Anyway, the bag is done and ready to be felted!! Got the coolest antique looking button for the clasp. Here is the "before" and I'll post it again after it is felted. I think I am going to absolutely love this bag.....but do I want to make another one....hmmm...I doubt it!
This has started out being one of those "frustrating" mornings. I'm so bad about getting a set idea in my head about my day and how it is going to go then getting frustrated over the little things that prohibit it from working out that way...lol...still trying to learn to "go-with-the-flow" kind of girl, I guess. Original plan was to get up, throw on something grubby and comfy, stay sans-make up and hammer down on the business plan. I need so badly to get it finished...both to take to the bank and to restore my sanity...lol!! Anyway, I got up and discovered that I am out of diet cokes...simply cannot work without one on my desk....and even if I could.....discovered that we are out of black ink for the printer!! So....guess I'm gonna have to do the "spackling" routine on my face, get dressed in something presentable and go to the grocery store and the office depot before I get going...grrrr!
Have been getting some done on the Monkey sock. It's an interesting pattern and goes surprisingly fast. When it's not stretched out over a foot or leg it looks like a rumpled ball of yarn. DH was watching me knit on it a couple of days ago when I was only a couple of inches down the leg. He very tactfully made the comment that it sure was an "interesting" sock!! When I put my fingers in it and stretched the fabric out he looked so surprised and said it was really cool looking...lol!
Just wondering if other knitters out there are like me....it never fails....I can't wait to get something in particular started and almost immediately after I get going on it my mind starts jumping ahead to what I want to do next!! The whole time I'm working on a project my mind is just racing about the next one and what it will be. Sometimes I dig around in the stash and assemble everything so it will be "ready" when I'm done with the current one and sometimes I just mull it over throughout the entire current project! At this point, I am still "mulling" about the next one! I do think, though, that what-ever I decide to work on, it is going to be something that I can use my new Knit-Picks needles on to try them out....aha....that being said, the light-bulb just went off....I'm going to do the Mogul Scarf kit that my pal, Guinifer sent me!! I know it's getting too warm here in Oklahoma for scarves, but I am so excited about using that wonderful squishy yarn and the needles she sent me....so it's set...next project is figured out!
Ok...on the the SP 10.....YEA!!!! I got an email from my hostess last night and I'm so pumped and excited about participating in this!!! Partners should be assigned next week and I can't wait to find out who mine is and start spoiling her!!! I can't wait to start getting stuff so it's going to be hard to wait to find out who she is so I can snoop around and find out more stuff about her. For my SP10 partner, I posted my questionnaire weeks ago...lol....can you tell I'm excited? Anyway, it can be found on the side-bar under the February archives!! If you can't find it, let me know and I'll re-post it.
At 6:26 PM,
Guinifer said…
Guess I should get my questions answered and up on my blog, eh?
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