
Monday, February 26, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Had a busy, busy week-end, but it was sure fun! We kept both Savy & Dax Saturday night so David & Amanda could have some "quiet" time. Poor little Dax has been sick with an ear infection and has been a really cranky little guy. I remember what it was like to have a sick little one...and on top of that Amanda has an ear/sinus infection herself and felt awful so we thought it would be nice for them to have a break....plus....we loved it!

He had a few cranky moments, but I think the antibiotic sort of kicked in a little and it really wasn't too bad. He got me up twice during the night, but went back to sleep before I could get in there the first time....so really only got up with him once. Gave him a bottle and he went right back down. He has FINALLY started smiling for the camera!! It was so hard when he was smaller. He would be smiling like crazy and when you put the camera up to take his pic, he was so intrigued with the camera and trying to figure it out, all you could get was a serious/curious look on his face...lol!

Savy was a joy....as always!! She is just so sweet. I kind of worried about whether she would be jealous that Dax was spending the night too....because that has always been "her" thing. She starts bugging her Mom by Tuesday or so of the week about what day she is going to get to come over and spend the night. I didn't have to worry about it at all...her response to him staying too was...yea!!!! She thought it was neat!

Still working on that darn business plan....whew.....been on it for over 5 hours today and am exhausted! At least I finished all the "verbage" sections....now for the REALLY fun part....statistics, demographics and financial.....yuck-o! I really want to get it finished and do our thing so we know, once and for all, if we are going to make this change in our lives or not.

Got my last swap mailed out for this month and have gotten all of my packages that I expect to get. I do have a few coming up in March, so that will be fun! Two small ones on swap-bot then SP 10 starts in March, too! Yea....can't wait to get my "secret pal" and start doing her packages. I think this one will be really fun...it goes on long enough that you sort of have time to find out things about your pal from their blog, so it will be more "personal."

Got going pretty good on the little cabled cardigan for Dax. Back and one side cast off and started the other side....then discovered today that I had neglected to switch needle sizes after the ribbing....soooo...will be starting over on the ride side tonight and hopefully on to the sleeves in the next day or two. Oh, I wish, wish, wish I could figure out how to get a decent "knitting detail" shot on here! Maybe if I put it on no-flash and just use bright light? Or maybe it's just my camera....guess I'll have to do a bunch of test pics on all different settings or something....am open to suggestions...lol! Anyway, I can never seem to get a great shot of patterning on my pieces.

Well....am computered out....one more pic of little mr. before I close!


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