New Fish & New Yarn!

Just getting around to the "Valentine's Day Report". I got DH a new fish, some frozen fish food he has been wanting....the frozen stuff is supposedly much better than the dry flake stuff....and a cool book with all the different kinds of salt-water fish, how difficult they are to keep, what kinds of other fish they do and do not get along with, etc. It has beautiful color pictures of all of them. He really seemed to like everything. The fish I got him is a Flame that is supposed to be hardy and easy to care for. He has already "made friends" with the "Nemo" fish so all is cool there.
Thanks, Swap Pal, for the heads up on the fishy infection your friend got!!! Oh my goodness! I will definately tell DH about it. He's planning on doing his first clean/water change this weekend!............. AND I'm SOOOO excited about my surprise! You can bet I will be haunting the mail box the next few days until it gets here! You rock!!
DH picks up the other part of his Valentine Sunday afternoon. He bid on another 50 lbs. of live rock to go into the tank and got it. Hopefully that will be the last investment on this tank for a while...we do need to eat!
He was really thinking when he got my Valentine, too. He overheard me going on and on about Kay's new needle set after the knit-in. Since he is not a knitter... a knitting needle is a knitting needle, right? lol! He couldn't remember what I called them and just assumed that the LYS would have to have what I wanted, right? He went up there and told the lady working that day the story about my seeing these awesome needles up there that someone had at the knit-in, but couldn't remember anything else about them except that they were a set! Well, they decided together that I must have been talking about the Denise set. Hmmmm....well....not exactly....what I was wanting was the Knit-Picks Options. He is such a sweetheart for trying so hard, though, don't you think? Even though they have a strict no-return policy on needles, MG very graciously told him I could bring them back if they weren't what I wanted! Now THAT is true customer service!! I LOVE that shop! That being the case, of course, I would NEVER want the money back and cause them to lose a sale :-)....sooooo I traded the Denises for a bunch of all that yummy new sock yarn they just got in :-). Am I a happy girl???? YOU BETCHA! And, yes....I'm still going to order the Knit-Picks needles! As far as the sock yarn goes, I picked up two skeins of the new Tofutsies that everyone is talking about, a Cherry Tree Hill and an Opal. Here I am trying to be soooo disciplined and finish the other wip's(Kathleen felted bag, gauntlets for Amy and cardigan for Daxton) when I'm DYING to get a pair of socks otn.....and what do I do but get new sock yarn...go! I NEED more socks!!!!
The past couple of weeks have not been conducive to knitting at all and it's driving me crazy! I usually get in at least some knitting time every day, but it has just been insane lately. We have been out and about every night this week!!! Have DD and son-in-law from Texas coming in tonight so the week-end will be busy too. I'm so excited about them coming, though. Even though they live only 3 hours away I don't get to see my beautiful girl nearly as often as I would like! I'm so thankful that I have one of my girls here!!! I would just hate it if I lived away from both of, I do almost everything with Amanda and would really be lost if she weren't close by!
At 4:04 PM,
savyjade said…
I would be lost without you too! I don't even want to think about it. See you soon to do Dream Dinners. Love, Peanut
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm soooo glad you got to return your needles and got fun new yarn. I know you'll love your Knit Picks needles. MG is the best!!
At 9:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a great fish pic! I've never heard of it before (oh yeah, like I'm an authority on ANY kind of fish - LOL).
Can't wait to see the tank in person.
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