Sleeping Fish

Maybe it's just me.....and I guess I never really thought about it....but it never crossed my mind that a fish would lie down to sleep!! I suppose I always just assumed that they would "float" while sleeping....and two of the ones we have in DH's salt-water tank do....just kind of float. But one of the clown (Nemo) fish...the one Savy named Charlie...DOES lie down!
Freaked us out the first time we saw him do it because we thought something was wrong and he was on the verge of dying! Evidently not because he does it every night when the tank lights go off then he is up and swimming around during the day while the lights are back on! It is the funniest looking thing. He has kind of burrowed out a hollow in the sand in one corner of the tank and that is where

The pics didn't turn out the best but you can kind of tell that he is just lying there!
Got a busy couple of days coming up. Am going down to the other side of town to hang out with Amanda and kids to give her a little break and some "grown-up" company. Poor little Dax has been such a cranky little booger since he got sick that she is going a little stir crazy. I vaguely remember those days!! I did live in the town I grew up in back when the girls were little, though, so I had girlfriends around to hang out with.
Tomorrow I have to go do that stupid stress-test. Doing it at 1:00 and have to fast...nothing by mouth at all after 9 am. For a person with a cup or glass in my hand from the time I get up til I hit the bed that's a hard task, lol! I can get busy and forget about eating all day long, but I always have a diet coke in my hand! Oh, well....I guess I will survive! If the test doesn't totally wear me out, am going to buzz on over and visit with my buddy Susan for a while.
Got one of the sleeves going on the red cabled cardigan for Dax so should be finishing that up soon then on to a pair of socks for moi!!
At 1:26 PM,
Guinifer said…
Hope your stress test has a good outcome.
At 8:13 PM,
Carolyn said…
Thank you Guinifer! I'm really touched by your concern! It went good. Won't know final results for a few days, but Dr. who gave test said everything looked ok!
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had never even thought about how fish sleep! And we had a freshwater aquarium for years! How interesting that the clown fish has made a little burrow to sleep in. I sure hope Dax and Amanda are both feeling better.
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