Sunday, March 18, 2007
Happy belated St. Patrick's Day! Did you get pinched? LOL. I didn't cuz I wore green...didn't pinch anyone else either even though I did run across a couple of people who forgot.
It's been a busy, but quiet week-end with the grandbabies out of town :-(. Worked on compiling stuff for today's Guild meeting yesterday morning then scooted down to Norman for the sweepstaking group meeting. It was a really small meeting this time, but still fun. We had a cake walk and I came home with a carrot cake and a dozen donuts. I was recently elected to V. Pres for the group. Not really much to do for the position...just be back-up if the Pres. can't be at a meeting. Last year we started something new.....members volunteer to "host" the meetings. It's not required, but we did manage to get a host for every month last year. It ended up being so much fun. Each meeting was totally different! Of course, since it is a sweepstaking group there were always tons of drawings and games for prizes. We had a really great Pres last year that helped a lot too. Honestly, I'm a little worried about it this year after the meeting yesterday....time will tell, I guess...but the new Pres didn't really "run a meeting" if you know what I mean. It was held at her workplace and she spent a large portion of her time on her computer....didn't really discuss any "business"....even though we have several months that haven't been volunteered for, etc. In short, the members that were there basically brought up any discussions that needed to be had. I really hope the group goes well again this year....because in general they are a great bunch of ladies and lots of fun to be around.
After that I ran a few errands then came home and knitted. Finished one Monkey sock and got about 3" done on the second one. It's the first sock I've done that carries the pattern down the instep and I've really enjoyed it! Will post them when both are done.

I also got the CUTEST thing in the mail!!! It was for the Knitting Necessities swap that I hosted on swap-bot! Look at this! A personalized tote!!! It was "stuffed" and I do mean "stuffed with things! She had enclosed the nicest card too. All kinds of knitting gadgets, some tea, a back roller, lotion, emery board...the list is unbelievable of all the goodies she included! Thank you Kia!!
So...over all the swapping experience has been a good one. Am waiting to see if I ever get that Magic Yarn Ball. I got stiffed on that one and never got anything, then I was contacted by
another girl in the swap who didn't get one either. She goes by Knitmepsalms136...or something like that on the swap-bot board. Anyway, she suggested we do a "personal" swap between the two of us since we both got shafted. I thought it sounded like a good idea. Well, a few days after we agreed to do that I noticed that her partner had finally sent her something so I contacted her and told her it was ok with me if she wanted to cancel our "personal" swap since she was getting something from her original partner. She insisted that she still wanted to do it so I went out and got yarn and a bunch of goodies to wrap in it. We had set our send by date for March 10 and I mailed hers on the 8th. I paid extra on the shipping to get confirmation of delivery. Several days after the confirmation I hadn't heard from her so I emailed her to make sure she got it. She emailed me back and said she had and liked everything and mine would be going out a couple of days guessed it....a full week after the mail date.....and nothing! That's just flat out mean in my opinion! It was bad enough that I went and spent over $20 on the first assigned swap, but because she sounded so nice I spent even more on hers and sent it right out! I just don't understand people like that!
Well, must go and get doing some things...need to give little miss Gidget a bath this morning....since she has gotten old...she's 14 now....she gets so stinky! The "boys" can go quite a while without smelling or looking dirty, but not our girl! I'm sure that process is going to ruin her I know she will feel better in the long run...and smell much better too!
It's been a busy, but quiet week-end with the grandbabies out of town :-(. Worked on compiling stuff for today's Guild meeting yesterday morning then scooted down to Norman for the sweepstaking group meeting. It was a really small meeting this time, but still fun. We had a cake walk and I came home with a carrot cake and a dozen donuts. I was recently elected to V. Pres for the group. Not really much to do for the position...just be back-up if the Pres. can't be at a meeting. Last year we started something new.....members volunteer to "host" the meetings. It's not required, but we did manage to get a host for every month last year. It ended up being so much fun. Each meeting was totally different! Of course, since it is a sweepstaking group there were always tons of drawings and games for prizes. We had a really great Pres last year that helped a lot too. Honestly, I'm a little worried about it this year after the meeting yesterday....time will tell, I guess...but the new Pres didn't really "run a meeting" if you know what I mean. It was held at her workplace and she spent a large portion of her time on her computer....didn't really discuss any "business"....even though we have several months that haven't been volunteered for, etc. In short, the members that were there basically brought up any discussions that needed to be had. I really hope the group goes well again this year....because in general they are a great bunch of ladies and lots of fun to be around.
After that I ran a few errands then came home and knitted. Finished one Monkey sock and got about 3" done on the second one. It's the first sock I've done that carries the pattern down the instep and I've really enjoyed it! Will post them when both are done.

I also got the CUTEST thing in the mail!!! It was for the Knitting Necessities swap that I hosted on swap-bot! Look at this! A personalized tote!!! It was "stuffed" and I do mean "stuffed with things! She had enclosed the nicest card too. All kinds of knitting gadgets, some tea, a back roller, lotion, emery board...the list is unbelievable of all the goodies she included! Thank you Kia!!
So...over all the swapping experience has been a good one. Am waiting to see if I ever get that Magic Yarn Ball. I got stiffed on that one and never got anything, then I was contacted by

Well, must go and get doing some things...need to give little miss Gidget a bath this morning....since she has gotten old...she's 14 now....she gets so stinky! The "boys" can go quite a while without smelling or looking dirty, but not our girl! I'm sure that process is going to ruin her I know she will feel better in the long run...and smell much better too!
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