Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yea!!! Finally got the Schaefer Kathleen bag done AND felted!! Had to do it a couple of times to get it down to size, but I really like the Rosa Parks colorway and think it turned out pretty good!
Other than felting that today the only knitting stuff I have been doing is the charity knitting to turn in at the Guild meeting on Sunday. It's kind of fun doing the teeny little hats, but I have to mix it up some and do several different patterns to keep from getting bored with it. I usually do some booties to go along with, so I'll probably switch off to doing those the rest of the week.
Am heading down to hang out with DD and grandkids tomorrow morning. Savy's school is having a "spring break" party in the morning and Amanda and I are doing a "Dream Dinners" session tomorrow night, so I'll probably just stay down there the whole day. Got to get in as much time with them as I can before they leave!
This will be the second time we have done the meal prep thing at Dream Dinners. The food has been pretty good, but honestly, I liked the food, the portions and the prices better at the other two places we have tried so this will probably be the last time there.... even though we liked the staff much better there than at the other places. They are sooo friendly! It is really nice not to have to worry every night about "what's for dinner"!! I don't know that it has actually saved money on the grocery bill...but I know it has saved money in the long run because we hardly ever order out, pick up fast food or eat out anymore!! Plus, it's just fun doing it! I do love cooking and sometimes miss doing the "from scratch meal planning and prep", though.
Ohhhhh....I'm soooo excited...the Secret Pal 10 is officially going on!! I emailed my "spoilee" and she responded back and I got the nicest email from my "spoiler"!! I am really pumped about this! I have three packages coming from swaps off of swap-bot and one left to send then I'm going to take a break from the swaps on there so I can REALLY spoil my SP 10 person!
Update on the business plan's done! We are going to talk to one of the the banks on Friday. I honestly don't think we have a snowball's chance getting the funding we would need to pull it off....but God does work in mysterious ways, and if that is what is in the plans for us, I know we will get it. If not, I won't be's just not meant to be. I will just be happy to way or the other. Realistically, I know we probably still won't know for several weeks.... even after the meetings, but at least the wheels will be in motion! Anyway, if it works out I'll be making "the announcement" about what business it is!
At 8:14 PM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
Congrats on the purse! The little hats are VERY cute. : )
I'll keep your business possibility in my prayers.
It is so obvious that you truly love your children and grandchildren. It encourages my heart every time I read your blog.
At 6:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Great job, Carolyn!
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