I have been formally "tagged"! I've done a few Meme's in the past when I saw them on someone else's blog, but this is the first time I've actually been tagged on one! This one is the Birthday Meme and I was tagged by my SP 10 spoilee
Laura. The object is to go to
Wikipedia, plug in your birthday and list 3 events, 2 births and one holiday that happened on your special day.
Here's mine: October 17th
1860 - Origination of "The Open Championship"...better known today as "The British Open"
1888 - Thomas Edison filed for the first patent for the Optical Phonograph....the first movie
1967 - The musical "Hair" opened at the Anspacher Theatre on Broadway
1938 - Evel Knievel
1941 - Earl Thomas Conley - Country Singer
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Well, I have once again taken another part-time job!!! I'm quite confident that this one will be much better than the last one! It is only a "fill-in" position....vacation relief, etc. I worked the first time last Thursday.....and I LOVED it! Left disappointed that I didn't go back in until today!! When I tell you where it is you will understand :-)! Are you ready? Drumroll, please.....I am working at
The Gourmet Yarn Company . Now does that sound like a died and gone to Heaven job for me...lol....I think so!
On the knitting front, I am going to attempt....and I used the term loosely at this point, the Mystery Stole 3. I have swatched four different yarns so far. Up until last night I didn't like any of them! The first yarn I tried was Cashwool. I tried two needle sizes and still didn't like either one....sigh.....then I tried some Bamboo I have in the stash on bigger needles....better, but still didn't get me really excited. Last night I used some left-over JKnits and I think that's what I'm going to do it in. Will have to see what colorways there are enough of at work before I know the color I'm doing. There are people posting pictures on the group who have totally finished clue 1 and here I am still agonizing over

yarn choice....lol....good thing this one isn't a race, huh?

I had decided, at first, that tackling lace was enough and I wasn't going to do the optional beading.....but now I'm thinking I will....sooooo....after I get my yarn I'll have to go get beads. I's looking like the 2nd clue will be out before I even start...lol!
In the meantime I have been catching up on doing mitered squares from left-over sock yarn! I've only been doing socks for about a year so I didn't have that many to do....I think I still have about 3 to do to be "caught up". I want to do a square...or squares....from every pair of socks I knit then eventually put them all together in a throw....a different sort of "memory blanket", I guess you could say.
At 9:27 PM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
The mitered squares are so pretty....and I think you'll love doing the mystery stole. It will turn out great, I'm sure.
Congrats on the new *dream job*!!! : )
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