Ok...I'm still procrastinating about which sweater to cast on :-). I have been enjoying the mindless stockinette on the Hola Blankie and with the cooler weather the past few days, visions of more socks have been dancing in my head.....so....I'm thinking socks THEN a sweater! For some reason I'm not in the mood to cast on several things at once....strange don't you think? I almost always have multiple cast-ons and wip's. Guess I'm going through a new and different knitting phase! Anyway, here is the progress on the Hola.

I've also been procrastinating on other things I want to do. I do want to do them...honestly I do...just not in the mood to start them....which is odd for me! One thing is painting a scene in my old kitchen window hole. Yes, I used to paint. I haven't for years but I used to do oils on canvas and almost every painting in my house was done by either me, my Mom or my uncle. When the people who owned this house before us added the den onto the back of the house they closed up the window that is over the kitchen sink......but left the indentation there. So it looks just like what it is.....a closed up window hole. Always bugs me to be staring at a blank wall in a window hole so my plan is to paint a landscape in it. I even found an antique window to put up in the hole over the scene so it will seem like you are looking out the window!
The other project I want to do....and I can't procrastinate much longer on this one....is making Savy's halloween costume! I took her to the fabric store and she picked out a pattern and all the fixins for a fuzzy white kitty costume. Between working this next week and the road trip I have planned (more about that later), I have 5 days left to get it made! Watch me wait until the last minute then launch into a sewing frenzy...lol....it won't be the first time!
On the the promised knitterly aids! My family knows me so well....I got some of the most awesome gifts last week! DH got me this!

I LOVE this lamp!!! I was always having to lean over and hold my knitting toward the lamp on the end table and didn't even realize how poor the lighting was until I plugged this thing in! It is an amazing difference...for reading and for knitting...how on earth did I manage without it? By the way...in reference to my earlier comment.....that is one of my paintings in the background!
The other awesome gift was from Amanda....LOOKIE HERE!!!!

I have wanted one of these forever! Am I going to be a classy knitter or what? It is going with me on the road trip, that's for sure!
About that road trip......I am so excited! Amanda and I are taking off for a girl's weekend on Friday! She needs a break from the kidlings and I'm always ready to go somewhere.....especially somewhere like this ! And to be going with someone who will enjoy it as much as I do.....perfect! I have been wanting to go check this place out ever since I heard about it. Probably not the wisest time to go with Christmas around the corner, but hey.....pass up a chance to get out of dodge and spend hours and hours in a place like that....no way! We are leaving Friday about noon and coming back on Sunday.....Will post the yarn Pron when we get back!
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Yarn Barn had a HUGE booth at Stitches East. In fact, I think they had 4 or 6 booth spaces to make their one huge booth. The line to check out was very long. They had some lovely yarn and I think they had Koigu. Yum. Have a great time and the Hola Blankie looks great!
At 2:27 PM,
Linda said…
You guys have a GREAT time!
At 4:23 AM,
savyjade said…
I can not wait to go on our trip with you! We will have so much fun. I am jealous of your blanket. It looks awesome! I love you tons.
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