
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Small Home Project

It will be two years in November that we moved back into this house......I can't believe it. Time goes by so fast. I have talked about the huge decision to down-size and move back into our rental house before.....and how horrendous it was when the last renters moved out. We worked...literally....sun up to sun down for almost two months getting it liveable again. Like most home projects several things we had planned to do before moving in just didn't get done....and here we are almost two years later and some of them STILL haven't been done yet...lol.

We finally got around to taking care of one of those projects!!! Since we moved in we have had a "naked" pantry in the kitchen. The kitchen has very few cabinets and no place to store food....well, not if you have as many cooking gadgets as I do :-) anyway!! We bought some unfinished pantries and installed them before we moved back and they have been sitting there unfinished ever since. The existing cabinets are really dark and the kitchen is really tiny so I didn't want to do a dark stain and make it feel even more cramped so here is what I did:
I love the way they turned out....in fact, I'm seriously considering doing the rest of the cabinets the same way!!! Here is a close-up of the paint.

They are a soft green then antiqued. The spattering part was fun except it took the specks forever to dry before we could varnish it!

As far as knitting related stuff....I did order more of the cubbies to finish organizing my stash!! I'm so excited and can't wait until they get here!! I have been knitting....a lot....trying to get the Christmas list done! Since everything is going to be a gift, I can't post pictures of much, but I have finished 6 of the 17 I have to do. Here are what the rest of them look like right now.

I am so ready to be done with all of them. I have sooo many things in mind that I want to work on! First I'm going to finish the MS3....then I have 3 sweater projects lined up and I'm having sock withdrawals big time...lol! Also want to do another lace project out of that yummy chocolate Blue Heron I snagged. Sigh......I need: more hands, more time, more yarn (not really, but we always "need" more yarn, don't we!) I'm also waiting on Ravelry....am still some 6,000 out and wishing I had signed up sooner!

Been enjoying the kiddos lately and helping Amanda out some. We did get a diagnosis.....Fibromyalgia. She started on a new Rx and it seems to be helping.....or was until an idiot massuse (one of the things the Dr. said helps some is Swedish Massage and wrote her an Rx for it)......did a deep muscle massage on her instead of the recommended Swedish Massage! It just about did her in and she is still suffering from it. I'm praying that the effects of it will wear off soon....it just made me so furious because she was doing SO much better and it just set her back again! She is so amazing through all this though...she is hanging in there and toughing it out as much as she can. I am so proud of her and I know in my heart that this combo of meds and prayers for the restoration of her health is going to make her better.

Here are a few shots of the kids I took while helping out.


  • At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great looking cabinets and gorgeous grandbabies!

  • At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! That's what I need for all my cooking appliances! Where did you get your hutch?

  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger Carolyn said…

    The cabinets came from Home Depot...and pretty reasonable, price-wise, too! I use one for food and one for small appliances and they work great!


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