Funtastic Weekend!
Didn't get a whole lot of knitting done this week-end...was too busy having fun with Miss Savy and crew!! This was her first "trip" in the motorhome and she LOVED every minute of it. Kept telling us over and over how much she liked it and how much fun she was having.
We went to a relatively local rv park out close to Yukon. It was such a nice place! I'm sure we will go there several more times when we just want to get away but not spend the national budge on gas for the motor! We got there on Friday night, got set up and just kind of hung out walking the dogs, eating dinner and watching movies.
Saturday we took her to White Water Bay. I have never been to that water park and we really enjoyed spending the afternoon there with her and she had a blast! I about fell over when we found out how much it was to get in the park though! It has been so many years since we went some place like that.....I think the last time we went it cost around $15 per person to get in.....boy, do things! Thank goodness we had saved a couple of coke cans that got us discounts!

After the water park we headed back to the rv park, walked around with the dogs a while then did hot dogs and made s'mores on the grill.
With the park being here in the Metro, David, Amanda & Dax were able to come out on Sunday to eat lunch with us and let the kids swim in the pool for a while. The park has a really nice indoor pool and hot tub!
Spent yesterday doing the laundry/linens from the trip and working on MS3. This should be a pretty quiet week. Next week is another! Watching kids on Monday so Amanda can go to the dr., taking Dad to dr. two mornings and working Tuesday through Friday from noon to 5....yea!! I'm so happy to be working at the Gourmet Yarn....and NOT for that ditzy realtor! A pretty good indication that it is a good thing I quit working for her.......I STILL have not gotten my last paycheck from her!! It has been over a month since I left! I have tried to email her about it 5 times and the email keeps bouncing back because her inbox is full! Heck of a way to do business, huh? With "attention to detail" like that she probably won't be in business much longer anyway!
At 8:04 AM,
savyjade said…
We had so much fun too! That was such a neat park! Savy is still going on about how much fun she had. I miss you!
At 9:39 AM,
Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said…
Wow! I don't think weekends can get much better than the one you just had!
I'm thrilled you had such a wonderful time. : )
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