
Monday, October 08, 2007

Saying Goodbye

Well, it is official.......I ran out of yarn! I am 21 rows from finishing the MS3 and my worst fear about it came to pass....sigh.... Finally finished Christmas gifts and pulled it out this weekend determined to finish before starting anything new. Knitted on it a lot Saturday and Sunday then stopped when it became apparent that I had more stole than yarn. Debated a good bit about what to do since there is no way to get more of this yarn. It is Cherry Tree Hill Potluck in the Water colorway. I have done several internet searches and found some of the Water....but none of it looks even close to what I have. I thought about using something that blends to finish it thinking that the "wing tips" might look neat in another color and passing it off as a "Design Element"...lol. Then it dawned on it that the last few rows are not the wing tip! Then I thought about ripping back and doing the symmetrical version but from what I have read it takes as much if not more yarn to do that.

So.......one last look before she goes into the frog pond. At least I can say I enjoyed the KAL tremendously and discovered that I can do lace and will definitely do more of it in the future!So..........
On to other knitterly things!

I can post a few of the last gifts I have been working on since I'm relatively sure the recipients don't come here! Did mostly arm warmers and scarves for gifts this year. All of the adult wrist warmers were done from Gourmet Yarn Company's Alpaca. Right now I'm tired of doing wrist warmers but these are so warm and squooshy and feel so good on that I'm most certainly going to do myself and DH a pair before it starts getting really cold out! I did realize I had a little gusset hole in these after I took the pic that has now been repaired!

I did two seaman's type scarves for friend-of-family guys. This one is from some Homespun I had in the stash. Homespun is not really fun to work with, but I know from experience that it is really warm! I have an afghan on the back of my sofa out of it that my sweet Amanda did (her very first project!), and I have wrapped myself in it a lot over the years to sit out on the patio....toasty warm!
I'm almost done with a miniature pair of arm warmers for Miss Savy too. I was showing Amanda a pair I had finished for one of the guys and Savy grabbed it, put it on and almost refused to give it back...lol! Said she loved it and it was hers! The only way I could coerce her to give it back was to promise to do her a pair.....and she specified she wanted "rainbow ones"! I am using Knitcol trends by Adriafil. I did have her try on the first one just to make sure I was getting the sizing right and I should have done the pic when she had them on....they looked soooo cute on her little arm/hand!

Now I just have to decide what I want to start next!


  • At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hola Blankie!!

  • At 6:47 AM, Blogger Linda said…

    Oh. My. God. I'm so sorry!


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