I'm Back
In more ways than one.....I'm back!
We got back from our awesome "getaway" the 18th. Ten wonderful days out in the motorhome! Picture taking was spotty at best. I have gotten so bad about dragging the camera along then forgetting to take pictures...something I am determined to improve on. I was really mad at myself for leaving it in the rv the day we took Savy for her first horse-back ride!!! We took her with us the first couple days of the trip then had to take her back home for school. She loved horse-back riding!! The place we went was great for little kids. They tethered Savy's horse to Ron's and made sure she got a really docile one. It was great! I had forgotten how much I like riding too.
After we dropped her home we took off for Grande Lake. The park we stayed at was really beautiful! The rv sites were amazing. It did have drawbacks.....no public restrooms and no bill changer in the laundry facility. The restroom thing is a big deal to us....the shower in the rv is really tiny and the water pressure is terrible....so we prefer staying at parks that have those facilities....but the view and park itself sort of made up for that shortcoming.

Each parking site had it's own private deck overlooking the lake, a barbecue pit and cable hook-ups.
From there we headed south and spent one night at a really charming little state park! We found it sort of by accident. We were heading for Beaver's Bend and it dawned on us we weren't going to make it there before dark so we decided to stop a night on the way. We found a little state park icon on the road map we were using and just decided to go there. It is Brushy Creek State Park........really nice!! It's on a little peninsula totally surrounded by a lake, had a playground, public facilities and a fishing dock. DH even got a little fishing in and caught something! The dogs just loved it! We did have one mis-hap with Cricket....we were walking them out on the fishing dock and some ducks starting quacking and splashing around.....he was so busy looking at them he walked right off the dock and into the lake!! Poor little guy! It really scared him, but fortunately it hadn't turned cold yet on the trip and he didn't get too chilled. Needless to say we couldn't get him to agree to any more walks on the dock...lol!
The rest of the trip we stayed at Beaver's Bend. It was beautiful there too. Our fair State has some really gorgeous places! We started out in a really pretty section of the park right by the river, but ended up moving because there was zero....and I do mean zero cell phone reception! We walked for over 3/4 of a mile and still couldn't get a signal! I don't like being totally un-reachable these days so we moved to another spot....equally as pretty but not near the water. There was no tv reception either but we had rented a few movies and also had a Scrabble tournament...lol! I proudly proclaim myself as the champion!!!
This shot is off the the balcony of the Lodge at Beaver's Bend. We took about a mile and a half walk up there one of the days we were there.
It was a wonderful, relaxing trip! I did get quite a bit of knitting done despite the Scrabble Tournament...lol! I didn't take pics of it yet but will soon. I am about 3/4 done on the bodice of the Mr. Greenjeans sweater and finished one sock and got down to the heel on a second. I haven't been working on them since we returned because I have to get another stocking done for the latest grandbaby.........AND we just found out we are having another one next May/June!!! AND two other kids are "trying"! If those take we will have 3 more by next Christmas!!!! Nine grandkids...whew!! Kind of reminds me of that old saying....be careful what you ask for....cuz you just might get it...lol! I love it though...the more the merrier! I sure didn't anticipate it when I started this beaded felt Christmas stocking thing though! The one I am working on now will be number 18!!!.....and I may have to do 3 more by next year!
The "other" way I am back is here...online....with a working computer! Right after we got home my computer crashed! Fortunately I borrowed an old antiquated laptop and was, at least, able to pick up email....but that is about it! Turned out my hard-drive fried! Thank goodness I have a great computer place....they were able to restore most of my data on the new hard drive....then I had to re-install all my software to open it. So far I have been able to retrieve most things. I did lose all my addresses in my email address book....and the worst part....I can't seem to get to the database I had in Act with everyone's home addresses!!! I re-installed the software but I can't figure out how to access the data that is in the back-up file! And the story doesn't end there, of course.....I had the computer back for a whole day.......THEN.....my monitor died!!! If I had known that was going to happen I would have just bought a whole new computer....and gotten a laptop to take with us when we travel.....oh well! At least I am back now! Amazing how addicted, dependent - or whatever you want to call it on these darn computers, isn't it? I almost felt "lost" without it!
We got back from our awesome "getaway" the 18th. Ten wonderful days out in the motorhome! Picture taking was spotty at best. I have gotten so bad about dragging the camera along then forgetting to take pictures...something I am determined to improve on. I was really mad at myself for leaving it in the rv the day we took Savy for her first horse-back ride!!! We took her with us the first couple days of the trip then had to take her back home for school. She loved horse-back riding!! The place we went was great for little kids. They tethered Savy's horse to Ron's and made sure she got a really docile one. It was great! I had forgotten how much I like riding too.
After we dropped her home we took off for Grande Lake. The park we stayed at was really beautiful! The rv sites were amazing. It did have drawbacks.....no public restrooms and no bill changer in the laundry facility. The restroom thing is a big deal to us....the shower in the rv is really tiny and the water pressure is terrible....so we prefer staying at parks that have those facilities....but the view and park itself sort of made up for that shortcoming.
Each parking site had it's own private deck overlooking the lake, a barbecue pit and cable hook-ups.
From there we headed south and spent one night at a really charming little state park! We found it sort of by accident. We were heading for Beaver's Bend and it dawned on us we weren't going to make it there before dark so we decided to stop a night on the way. We found a little state park icon on the road map we were using and just decided to go there. It is Brushy Creek State Park........really nice!! It's on a little peninsula totally surrounded by a lake, had a playground, public facilities and a fishing dock. DH even got a little fishing in and caught something! The dogs just loved it! We did have one mis-hap with Cricket....we were walking them out on the fishing dock and some ducks starting quacking and splashing around.....he was so busy looking at them he walked right off the dock and into the lake!! Poor little guy! It really scared him, but fortunately it hadn't turned cold yet on the trip and he didn't get too chilled. Needless to say we couldn't get him to agree to any more walks on the dock...lol!
The rest of the trip we stayed at Beaver's Bend. It was beautiful there too. Our fair State has some really gorgeous places! We started out in a really pretty section of the park right by the river, but ended up moving because there was zero....and I do mean zero cell phone reception! We walked for over 3/4 of a mile and still couldn't get a signal! I don't like being totally un-reachable these days so we moved to another spot....equally as pretty but not near the water. There was no tv reception either but we had rented a few movies and also had a Scrabble tournament...lol! I proudly proclaim myself as the champion!!!
This shot is off the the balcony of the Lodge at Beaver's Bend. We took about a mile and a half walk up there one of the days we were there.
It was a wonderful, relaxing trip! I did get quite a bit of knitting done despite the Scrabble Tournament...lol! I didn't take pics of it yet but will soon. I am about 3/4 done on the bodice of the Mr. Greenjeans sweater and finished one sock and got down to the heel on a second. I haven't been working on them since we returned because I have to get another stocking done for the latest grandbaby.........AND we just found out we are having another one next May/June!!! AND two other kids are "trying"! If those take we will have 3 more by next Christmas!!!! Nine grandkids...whew!! Kind of reminds me of that old saying....be careful what you ask for....cuz you just might get it...lol! I love it though...the more the merrier! I sure didn't anticipate it when I started this beaded felt Christmas stocking thing though! The one I am working on now will be number 18!!!.....and I may have to do 3 more by next year!
The "other" way I am back is here...online....with a working computer! Right after we got home my computer crashed! Fortunately I borrowed an old antiquated laptop and was, at least, able to pick up email....but that is about it! Turned out my hard-drive fried! Thank goodness I have a great computer place....they were able to restore most of my data on the new hard drive....then I had to re-install all my software to open it. So far I have been able to retrieve most things. I did lose all my addresses in my email address book....and the worst part....I can't seem to get to the database I had in Act with everyone's home addresses!!! I re-installed the software but I can't figure out how to access the data that is in the back-up file! And the story doesn't end there, of course.....I had the computer back for a whole day.......THEN.....my monitor died!!! If I had known that was going to happen I would have just bought a whole new computer....and gotten a laptop to take with us when we travel.....oh well! At least I am back now! Amazing how addicted, dependent - or whatever you want to call it on these darn computers, isn't it? I almost felt "lost" without it!
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wondered where you were. Glad you are back and online.
At 5:30 AM,
Linda said…
We *love* Beaver's Bend. Great hiking trails there.
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