Trick or Treat
Last night was so much fun! I just love doing the Trick or Treat thing with the grandbabies! Of course, Savy probably won't like me calling her that much longer.....she is going to be 6 tomorrow!!! I can't believe it! Seemed like my two grew up over-night, but the grand-kids are growing up even faster. In some ways I think it's the times we are in...they mature faster in some ways than we, or even our kids did, but in other ways they don't.
As you can see, we had a white, fuzzy kitty cat and a little pirate last night! I was so happy that Savy liked her costume. Couldn't help but worry about it a little...especially since I waited until the last minute to make it!! It would have been awful to make her wear it if she hadn't liked it and I'm sure there wouldn't have been much of a selection left out there that late! Fortunately she loved it and was excited to wear it.....especially when all her friends thought it was neat :-)

Amanda found Daxton's pirate costume at Old Navy and it is just the cutest thing ever!! Maybe I will make both of their costumes next year. I used to make all my girl's costumes years ago. If I do I'm sure not waiting until the last minute like I did this year! David has already put in his order for a dragon one for Dax next year.

I have so much that I need to get done today and I still feel like poo. The house is a tee-total disaster and driving me crazy, the laundry is a mountain and bills need to be paid....and I'm working tonight! I haven't done much sweepstake entering the past few months but I sure wish I could win maid service for a nice would that be? I used to have a maid when I was working but it is hard for me to justify it when I'm semi-retired. Oh well....guess whatever mess there is will still be there when I get around to doing it!
On the knitting side of things.....I'm kind of bummed! I have been a member of a sock-of-the-month club since April. I have really loved the kits and up until September they always came right on time. From what the owner has posted on the web-site and on Ravelry she had an extensive travel schedule and a very sick relative which delayed the shipment. I finally got the September kit the first of October. She explained that the Oct kits would be delayed for the same reasons then the November kits would be back on schedule. Well, she posted last week that the October kits went out last Friday......then today I get an email saying they just now went out. And furthermore she is selling the business and the new owner would probably not do a sock club until sometime in 2008! It's not that I need any more sock I did so enjoy the surprise every month.....and I do love her kits....and they were reasonably priced compared to many other clubs out there, had wonderful yarn and neat patterns. It was upsetting to not get a kit and no communication about why though....and no....I haven't gotten the October one yet which was billed out on pay pal October 4. Hopefully it will be here in the next couple of days. I'm wondering if I should stop the pay pal just in case. Her email says all members will be automatically unsubscribed today and the November kit will be the last one from her.....but it makes me nervous. It bills the 4th of every month...guess I can cancel the pay-pal after that is done.....I would like to get the November kit.....but sort of worried about it billing then not getting it!
As you can see, we had a white, fuzzy kitty cat and a little pirate last night! I was so happy that Savy liked her costume. Couldn't help but worry about it a little...especially since I waited until the last minute to make it!! It would have been awful to make her wear it if she hadn't liked it and I'm sure there wouldn't have been much of a selection left out there that late! Fortunately she loved it and was excited to wear it.....especially when all her friends thought it was neat :-)
Amanda found Daxton's pirate costume at Old Navy and it is just the cutest thing ever!! Maybe I will make both of their costumes next year. I used to make all my girl's costumes years ago. If I do I'm sure not waiting until the last minute like I did this year! David has already put in his order for a dragon one for Dax next year.
I have so much that I need to get done today and I still feel like poo. The house is a tee-total disaster and driving me crazy, the laundry is a mountain and bills need to be paid....and I'm working tonight! I haven't done much sweepstake entering the past few months but I sure wish I could win maid service for a nice would that be? I used to have a maid when I was working but it is hard for me to justify it when I'm semi-retired. Oh well....guess whatever mess there is will still be there when I get around to doing it!
On the knitting side of things.....I'm kind of bummed! I have been a member of a sock-of-the-month club since April. I have really loved the kits and up until September they always came right on time. From what the owner has posted on the web-site and on Ravelry she had an extensive travel schedule and a very sick relative which delayed the shipment. I finally got the September kit the first of October. She explained that the Oct kits would be delayed for the same reasons then the November kits would be back on schedule. Well, she posted last week that the October kits went out last Friday......then today I get an email saying they just now went out. And furthermore she is selling the business and the new owner would probably not do a sock club until sometime in 2008! It's not that I need any more sock I did so enjoy the surprise every month.....and I do love her kits....and they were reasonably priced compared to many other clubs out there, had wonderful yarn and neat patterns. It was upsetting to not get a kit and no communication about why though....and no....I haven't gotten the October one yet which was billed out on pay pal October 4. Hopefully it will be here in the next couple of days. I'm wondering if I should stop the pay pal just in case. Her email says all members will be automatically unsubscribed today and the November kit will be the last one from her.....but it makes me nervous. It bills the 4th of every month...guess I can cancel the pay-pal after that is done.....I would like to get the November kit.....but sort of worried about it billing then not getting it!
At 9:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
The kids costumes are adorable. You did a great job on that kitty costume.
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