Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
SP 10 Strikes Again!
The first thing I found was a great canvas tote bag. Perfect for medium sized projects! Then under that I saw the awesome book "Knitting Loves Crochet". I haven't crocheted for years, but some of the projects in the book are sooo cute and I can't wait to give it a try in combo with my knitting. There was also a little pamper me kit with botanical lotions and soap. That's the kind of stuff I always buy for other people and never for myself so it will be such a nice treat. Along the pampering lines she included a nail block. It's so cool....each side does something different...file, smooth, buff and shine! Another skein of Opal was tucked inside a beautiful shade of rose! And....last but not least The Yarn Harlot's latest book!!! And get this.....look what was on the front inside page:
Is that just the neatest thing or what!!??
Do I have the best SP out there! You bet I do! Thanks so much SP! You ROCK!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
New Use for a Doggie Door!
Monday, April 23, 2007
"Tattoos" and a Day in the Park
Friday, April 20, 2007
SP10 Challenge
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wip's, SP10 and Dashed Hopes
Friday, April 13, 2007
Frustrating Week
Monday, April 09, 2007
Family Blessings

Count your blessings, name them one-by-one. Count your blessings, see what God has done.....I love that meaningful and so very true!! We celebrated Easter with part of our precious family yesterday. What a beautiful thing! I wish more of the family could have been here too but they were here in our hearts! My sweet girl, Mel, called me early to say Happy Easter and Amanda called her Dad's parents to tell them the same. The only thing that would have made the day better is if they could have been here! Mel & her hubby, for obvious reasons, but ex-inlaws too. I simply adore them and have missed them terribly since their son & I divorced. They will always have a special place in my heart and I so wish I could se

The kids had a great time hunting for the Easter goodies, we all ate way too much and just enjoyed watching the kids play.
Amanda and I decided on the squares we are going to put in the family throw and divided up the patterns, but not a lot of knitting took place for obvious reasons :-)!
While we were in the kitchen getting dinner ready Daxton busied himself in my tupperware cabinet! It is so funny to me....the things kids do! It reminds me of Melissa's first Christmas. She was my first baby and the first grandbaby in the family for many years. She had so many toys that first Christmas that it was insane! No way one baby could play with that much stuff. We parents/grandparents do that sort of thing, don't we? LOL! Anyway, the "toy" she dragged around and played with the entire day after Christmas was..........a bag of uncooked macaroni!!! All that money spent on toys and the simplest thing caught her Dax and the tupperware. He had way more fun with that than any of the Easter treats!
Stoneleigh even got into the Easter festivities....he was obsessed with the plastic eggs! He would push them around all over the floor and chase them. We finally had to take them all away and put them where he couldn't get to them because he was wayyy to crazy and drove us nuts!
Well...I have never tried to just post a bunch of pics without much verbage....I talk too I'm going to try to close this post with just some more pics from the day! Hope everyone enjoyed their Easter and had a wonderful day!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Coloring Eggs

We had Savy last night and it was so much fun!! We did all our normal stuff...coloring, painting envelopes for sweeps, playing with babies, etc. We also colored some Easter Eggs!! Of course, it looks like a tornado went through did...a 5 year old, two legged one!
Tomorrow they are all going to come back over for Easter Dinner! We'll go down and get Dad too. It's always a good time. Since they are coming over here the Easter Bunny will be leaving things in our yard. Of course, he'll be leaving a letter in their "mailbox" again this year. When Savy was two DH, I and her Mommie..... (mostly DH) built a playhouse in our backyard for her and other grandbabies to come. I found a cute little mailbox that sits on the front porch and every year Santa and the Easter Bunny send mail there! This year there will be two letters in for Savy & one for Dax!
Went to the Knit-In at Gourmet Yarn tonight. Had a great time as usual!! MG is having a contest to re-name the Knit-In. We have a lot of crocheters that come too so the name doesn't really fit. She had a few suggestions but none that really fit the bill so the contest continues! Will have to get to thinking on that!
I ended up casting on a pair of basic socks in Opal to work on at the Knit-In. I finished the back of the tee and didn't want to mess with doing the lace work border while visiting....pretty good chance I would have had to frog it when I got home don't do well with talking and thinking at the same time :-)!! I also hit a snag with the intarsia socks for Savy and didn't want to work on those tonight either....sooo I now have 3 things otn. Have been trying to limit myself to 2-3 and MAKE myself finish far, so good.
Amanda did come up with an idea tonight while at the Knit-In....we decided that we are going to start a "family" aran throw. She and I are going to both do squares on it then when we get it done we will have a family heirloom! I love stuff like that. I have a quilt that I pieced several years ago that I left up on the frame for months. Over time I, both my daughters and my Mom all did some quilting on it. That quilt means so much to me because each of our hands shared in the creation of it!! Now that Mom is gone everytime I look at it I think of her sitting at my quilting frame putting a few stitches in it. We picked up some Plymouth Encore to get the throw started while at the shop tonight. I am just so blessed to have a daughter that enjoys the same things I do and values the same things I do. She is my best friend as well as my daughter and I'm so proud of the woman she has become!
She also bought me some Claudia Hand Paint sock yarn!! Turns out she got me as a swap partner on another swap we are both in. That is just so funny! I've only done about 6 or 7 of those. They are usually international swaps with anywhere from 20+ people in the swap. Out of those we have done I got her once and she got me on this one! Strange, huh? Anyway, I got to pick my swap stuff this time....well....sort of...she pretended she was buying it for herself and asked my opinion about what kind I would get if I were her.....sneaky little thing isn't she? Anyway, after she went and bought it she came back in and tossed it in front of me and said it was the best possible way, of course!
Other than that still working on SBA packet and hoping to have what we need from the current owner and have my part done by next week...then will be way or the other! I promise I'll fill everyone in on it once we know if we are getting it or not. Still not really thinking it will happen, but it's in God's hands and what will be-will be!
Also putting together my next SP10 box. This is just sooo much fun! I know we are only required to send a certain amount, but I just keep running into things and getting these great ideas about things I want to get for her that I think she will like!! I can't help it...I just love doing surprises for people.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Weekend Report
Saturday night Ron and I ventured out and checked out the Riverwind Casino. They are one of his customers and the head chef had told him he wanted to "buy us dinner" to thank him for taking such good care of them! It was strange going into a casino right down the road from home...almost felt like we were on a vacation in Vegas or something! We had a great dinner in the Traditions then wandered around watching everyone gamble. I did "throw away" ten bucks on the slots :-). It took a total of about 5! Good thing I'm not much of a gambler...except maybe entering sweepstakes. Anyway, it was a nice change from sitting in front of the boob-tube every night!
On Sunday we went to the Medival Fair down in Norman with David, Amanda and kiddies. We even took Stoneleigh! All the kids...both two legged and four legged were so good! Of course, I forgot my camera, but fortunately Amanda remembered to take hers! She has a shot of me and Savy riding the elephant and a couple of Stoneleigh riding in Daxton's stroller on her blog.
It was fun, but we were all worn out after 3-4 hours!!

On SP10, my hostess has created another contest!! We are supposed to put up pics of projects we love and hate!! I'm so glad she has these really helps out when I haven't done much on the knitting front and don't have anything to post! Here is my "love it" project. Mainly because I'm so proud of myself for hanging in there and finishing it! In my opinion, the pattern stunk! It was very poorly written and I had to constantly email and call MG with problems and questions before I could get it done!

As far as the project I have hated the most.....I guess this one counts....I hated it so much I never finished it! I got so tired of messing with with I haven't even taken the time to frog it!! I think I started it about 4 years ago. I really thought I would like it because Amanda had done an afghan out of Homespun a few years back and it is the warmest thing to cuddle up in, washes like a dream, etc. So I thought...wouldn't a sweater jacket be awesome out of it? Anyway...I just did not enjoy doing all....and I can't remember for sure, but I think I had pattern issues with it as well. Anyway....I see this homespun becoming another afghan/lap robe sometime in the distant future instead of this!!
I haven't said anything in a while about our attempt to buy a local business. I finally finished the business plan and we met with the first banker a couple of weeks ago. Very discouraging meeting! He was ONLY interested in collateral and barely glanced at the BP. Didn't ask a single question about experience, qualifications or plans for the business....all he cared about was whether there were enough assets to cover the loan. DH talked to another bank on the phone....they didn't even ask for a face-to-face meeting.....and again...were mainly concerned with collateral. I was pretty much ready to throw in the towel and move on but DH wanted to go talk to two more banks that people had told him about. We met with both last week and lo-and-behold, they were both very interested and very encouraging! I have received an SBA loan packet from one of them and will be working with the bank officer on it the next week or so. No guarantees, of course, but the door hasn't slammed shut yet!