
Friday, March 30, 2007


Ok...I admit it....I am SPOILED ROTTEN!! Got my SP 10 package today! It is totally AWESOME!! I mean I feel like it should be my birthday or Christmas or something. I absolutely love every single thing she filled that box with!

She sent TWO skeins of Opal...my very favorite sock yarn...I have opal socks on as we speak :-)
And she also sent a skein of YarnArt Wool sock yarn in a soft beige. I haven't seen or tried that one. I'm so excited! How did she know that I needed some solid colors...almost everything I have is verigated or self striping!! There was also a hardback book in there. I have really gotten into reading the fictional knitting novels here lately and have been loving them! This one is "The Knitting Circle" by Ann Hood. I just finished "The Friday Night Knitting Club" and I can't wait to start this one.....and I now have a brand new book mark to use as well. It is the cutest thing!! It is metal with "Hope...learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow" engraved on it and it has ribbons, beads and charms hanging off of it! On top of all that there is a bottle of the yummiest smelling vanilla bath gel!!

This is the making of a wonderful evening! First a nice bath using my new bath gel, getting into comfy jammies, casting on another pair of socks to knit on for a while, then hopping in bed with a brand new book....heavenly! Thank you, thank you SP!!!! You blew me away!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Good Mail Day!

I love mail! Sometimes more than others, but I do love getting mail. Especially on days like today ;c) !! First I got the new Spring Patternworks Catalog. CUTE stuff! Lots of really cute summer top patterns and great selection of just about everything else, too. Honestly, I don't really order from my "wish books" all that often...only occasionally, but I sure do love spending an afternoon looking through them! If they have stuff that I can get at my LYS I never order....got to support our hometown shops if we want to keep them around you know! But I have been known to order something I can't find around here.

I also got a swap-bot package on a purple yarn swap! Four yummy skeins of yarn! Two Lamb's Pride...a girl can never have enough wool!!! And to top that off two skeins of Cascade Luna!! Yippee! It came from Beth in California. Thanks Beth!!

I also got an email from my SP10 pal! She said my package should be here tomorrow...another good mail day!! I am so excited about this SP10! My spoilee got her first box and loved everything! She posted all her goodies on her blog and sounded so excited about all of it. I'm not going to say any more because I don't want her to figure out who I am yet, but I was thrilled that she liked everything so much.

Been working on the summer tee and making some headway. I'm glad it's going pretty fast cuz I usually get bored doing straight stockinette. I am pretty motivated to keep cranking on it though because I think it is going to be one I enjoy wearing.

I also finally made a decision about which socks to start! I'm doing the sock kit for Savy! It's my first "intarsia" type sock done from a chart. It's fun to do, but I figured out it is best not to work on it when you are "really" interested in a tv program...lol. I tinked on it several times last

night before I put it down and picked up the trusty stockinette!

Well....got to scoot and change into "dress-up" duds...got another bank appt today. Last one tomorrow thank goodness!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Traits in Common?

OK....I don't usually think I have commonalities with my pets...not really....but in this case maybe so! A few weeks back I told the story of my "houdini" kitty Akira. He got out and was "lost" under our deck for a while. When we found him he was one dirty matted little boy. I thought maybe I could get him back in shape and set to the task of trying to cut the mats out myself....he was fairly tolerant of the "beauty routine". He is really good when it comes to things like that. Even baths. When I first got him 10 years ago we discovered he had ringworm!! Pretty much everyone that knew me ended up with them too. It took literally months to get rid of them...bathing him in medicated shampoo up to 4 times a week and having him shaved several times, so he got used to being "handled" and is easier than most dogs to give a bath to. Anyway, I decided that he would probably feel better if we stopped the scissor treatments every night and just started over so I took him to the groomer and had him buzzed!

And speaking of being buzzed...that's where the commonality comes in! Don't you just hate it when you do something.....and you KNOW better? Past experiences abound that SHOULD dictate your actions....but you just do something anyway! Well.....I have been carrying around the picture of the cutest haircut for months.....and kept thinking I would call "my" stylist and do something a little different. Well....long story short....I did take the picture with me....and I did get my hair cut......did I go to "my" guy? Nooooo.....at least not the first time.....let it suffice to say that on the way home from the first cut I called "my" guy and went straight from the first salon to his salon! When I showed him the picture of what my hair was supposed to look like his response was..."Honey...you don't have enough hair left to do that haircut!" LOL..... He shaped up what was left but didn't fuss at me too much. You know about 5 or 6 years ago I would have been hysterical over this...but in the scheme of things....it will grow back out....and in the meantime I have easy-care-hair...lol! And NO I'm not posting a picture of me in my new "do!" There used to be a time when I considered myself to be rather photogenic and didn't really mind having my pic taken, but in the past few years I have noticed that everyone's cameras tend to malfunction when I'm in the shot. For some wierd reason they all get these distorted little line thingies that appear on my face and neck...strange, huh? I will tell you I don't have fur booties like Akira does, though!

Nothing to show on the knitting front today. Got about 10 inches done on the tee and still trying to decide which socks to cast on next.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Yea!! Savy is back home! They are all coming over later this afternoon and I can't wait to see her and Dax....and their parents, of course :-). Will be pretty much the normal week-end routine...go pick up Dad, eat a big Sunday dinner and hang out with everyone. Love it!

I did finish the Monkey socks. I do like the J. Knits and the way it feels on the foot, but so far the Opal is still my favorite. The plan is to collect as many "new" (or new to me anyway) sock yarns and work through them this year to decide which one is truly the fav. Of course, they will probably just keep inventing so many new ones to try that I will never know for sure..lol!

So far I have made socks from Opal, Stahl Katia, Magic Stripes, Online Supersocke, Trekking XXL and the J. Knits. So far I have about 15 (give or take :-)) "new" kinds of sock yarn in the stash to work through. Still looking to get some Schaefer Anne and some Claudia Paints to try out as I go through it. There are also tons of them on Etsy made by individuals that look awesome, but I think I missed the boat on getting any Sweet Georgia. From the sockknitters list posts, it is now a very rare commodity! Now all I have to do is decide on what to try next! Hmmm....I'm thinking maybe the Cherry Tree Hill or the Tofutsies and see how they stack up! Or I could do the Bonkers that Amanda brought back from Fredricksburg. Ahhh...I need more than one set of hands...LOL!

In the meantime I decided to start a summer tee! It is one pulled from the stash that I bought several years ago during a visit to Plano. Of course I always go and check out Woolie Ewe when I'm there, but I used to always go by another little store called the Needle Nook too. The last time I was in Tx. I discoverd that it isn't there anymore. :-( It was more of a cross-stitch, needlepoint kind of shop, but she always had a little room in the back that was stacked up knee deep with sales on yarn! I loved the way she did her sales there. She would bag up skeins that included a pattern and the right number of skeins to do the project. Most of the time she had a couple of pattern options in the bag, so no thinking required about "what will I do with this if I buy it"? Anyway I picked up a bag of 10 skeins of Reynolds Tiara...a silk/viscose blend along with a pattern book that had several options for the yarn. It should have retailed for around $65 and I snagged it for $30! The one I'm doing has a tiny bit of lace work on the bottom edge then is an "idiot knit" from there up. I always like to have at least one thing otn that I can work on without thinking a lot.

So...I guess I'll have the tee and soon....another pair of socks going.

Got my first SP10 box out the door and on the way to my spoilee. This is just entirely too much fun! I can't wait for her to get it!!! I hope she likes everything! It was a blast gathering up stuff and trying to pick things she might like! Also got a swap-bot box out the door this week-end. Am signed up for one more of those that will go out in late April, but am not doing any more of those until SP10 is done....want to make sure I can "really" spoil my pal in that one!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Day 7

It's day number 7 that Miss Savy has been gone! I am used to having her over night at least once a week and seeing her a couple more times during any given week, so I'm having major withdrawals from that little girl! I suppose it might not be so bad if I could talk to her on the phone, but she is with my "ex" and his wife....and he is insanely jealous of the relationship I have with Savy & Dax, so that's not likely to happen! They are supposed to bring her home either Saturday sometime or Sunday morning....guess where I will be Sunday afternoon? LOL!

At least Mr. Daxton is still here!! He and his Mommie are coming over today and we are going to do some "secret pal" shopping and pop in on my buddy, Susan for a bit. She has never seen him "in person", so I'm sure he will put on quite a show for her!

Wanted to get some shots up of the sock yarn Amanda picked up for me while she was in Fredricksburg. I have never heard of the yarn that came in the sock kit....really cute! It is hand-spun & dyed by an artist from around that area. It feels really good and I like her colorways! Mine is shades of purple and black and Amanda got herself one in yellows and oranges. It is called "Bonkers". It comes with a toe-up pattern and I haven't done that yet so I get to learn something new with it! Also got some Steinbach Wolle Strapaz Cotton...should be good for summer sockies!! I saw a pattern out there somewhere...will obviously have to find it again...for some socks called "embossed leaves"...think that will be pretty in this soft green!

I am past the gusset decreases on the second Monkey sock from the J.Knits I picked up at GY! Yea! Another pair of socks for me....and the chance to start something new! I really thought I might do the scarf kit I got in a recent swap, but it's way too warm to wear it until next year, sooo...hmmm...now I'm thinking maybe two new projects....another pair of socks AND a summer sweater.

Spent Tuesday down at Amanda's and got some of the cutest pics of Daxton!! He is now mobile...not really crawling per-say...more like an "army man" crawl. He gets up on his knees then ends up pulling himself with his little arms....but believe me....he CAN get where he wants to go...lol! And he is into everything! And wants everything he sees...all at once! And he LOVES standing up...is trying real hard to pull up and cruise around the furniture already! Heck, he may just skip the crawling thing all together and take off walking! I'm sure that would just thrill his Mommie...lol!

It's funny...I can remember being the same way when I was a young Mom. With the first baby you just can't wait until they start doing this and that....but with the next ones, you just aren't in any hurry for those little milestones and want them to stay little for just a bit longer! I see it in my beautiful daughter too...

Now for a little rant.....I am having a dickens of a time with my newspaper subscription!! I know if you break it down into a "per paper" cost, it is not a lot of money....but it's the principle of the thing.....I paid for those darn papers and I want them....and on time! This is the 5th time this month I have gone out and...no paper! It totally messes up my morning "routine"! I have called and called and they just send someone out with that day's paper....sometime late in the day....and assume that because I finally got one that everything is ok...NOT! I'm almost to the point of cancelling the darn thing all-together and running down to the corner store and picking one up! I know....in the scheme of things, a pretty small gripe....but it is frustrating! I have no paper again this morning so guess I'll get off and go make yet another phone call!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hmmm...decisions, decisions!

Ok....we have a challenge from our SP10 hostess, Robyn! We are to figure out what our "favorite" knitting accessory is. Didn't think much about it until I started trying to decide! I mean, we NEED them all, right? The guage gizmos, the teensy little scissors, the stitch holders, the stitch markers, tape measurers, row counters...the list can literally go on and on! And there are more out there that I would like to have as well!! A girl can never have too many! One for each wip for instance! I currently have both my row counters "in use" to keep up with the pattern!

One of the "knitterly" things that I want to improve on is substituting yarns in patterns. I tend to either use the recommended yarn...or at least choose one that has the same guage specifications....which is sort of limiting! Especially when you are trying to "knit from stash"! I also have some yarns I bought in an estate sale that were new, but had no sleeve that I'm trying to pick projects for. Have been intending to order one of those little wpi thingies but haven't managed to get around to it yet. One of these days!!

Hmmmm...now...down to business....which gadget is my favorite? I guess I have to narrow it down somewhat...lol! Even though I tend to use the little rubber ones more, I do love different stitch markers! The more unique the better! I have managed to collect a few...sorry the pic is blurry!

AND....I just can't pick one....sorry! I do love my little sheep tape measure!! Basically just because he is so darn cute. He is easier to find in my bag than the plain ones too, so he gets used a lot!

Got to get out and about today. Need to go by Dad's, check his pantry and go get him stocked up again. I also have one more thing in mind for my secret pal that I need to go pick up then her first box will be ready to go!! After that, I'm heading down to DD's house. They got back home around 9 pm last night and I'm having withdrawals...got to go see them! Of course, Miss Savy-Girl stayed in Texas with her other grandparents so I won't get to see her until next week-end!!! :-( I can't wait to get over there and get my hands on the little man...Daxton! Naturally he started doing something new while they were gone...and I missed it! He has started waving! If you say hi or bye bye, he waves at you....can't wait to see it! Oh.....and he started something else new last week that I did get to see......if you say "Touchdown! Boomer Sooners"....he raises his little arms above his head....it is sooo funny and sooo darn cute!

We did manage to get little Gidget all bathed and smelling good again.....doesn't she look pitiful? As you know from prior posts, she was a rescue and her little teeth were so rotten we had to have them all taken out so this is pretty much her "normal" expression....only not soaking wet..LOL!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day! Did you get pinched? LOL. I didn't cuz I wore green...didn't pinch anyone else either even though I did run across a couple of people who forgot.

It's been a busy, but quiet week-end with the grandbabies out of town :-(. Worked on compiling stuff for today's Guild meeting yesterday morning then scooted down to Norman for the sweepstaking group meeting. It was a really small meeting this time, but still fun. We had a cake walk and I came home with a carrot cake and a dozen donuts. I was recently elected to V. Pres for the group. Not really much to do for the position...just be back-up if the Pres. can't be at a meeting. Last year we started something new.....members volunteer to "host" the meetings. It's not required, but we did manage to get a host for every month last year. It ended up being so much fun. Each meeting was totally different! Of course, since it is a sweepstaking group there were always tons of drawings and games for prizes. We had a really great Pres last year that helped a lot too. Honestly, I'm a little worried about it this year after the meeting yesterday....time will tell, I guess...but the new Pres didn't really "run a meeting" if you know what I mean. It was held at her workplace and she spent a large portion of her time on her computer....didn't really discuss any "business"....even though we have several months that haven't been volunteered for, etc. In short, the members that were there basically brought up any discussions that needed to be had. I really hope the group goes well again this year....because in general they are a great bunch of ladies and lots of fun to be around.

After that I ran a few errands then came home and knitted. Finished one Monkey sock and got about 3" done on the second one. It's the first sock I've done that carries the pattern down the instep and I've really enjoyed it! Will post them when both are done.

I also got the CUTEST thing in the mail!!! It was for the Knitting Necessities swap that I hosted on swap-bot! Look at this! A personalized tote!!! It was "stuffed" and I do mean "stuffed with things! She had enclosed the nicest card too. All kinds of knitting gadgets, some tea, a back roller, lotion, emery board...the list is unbelievable of all the goodies she included! Thank you Kia!!

So...over all the swapping experience has been a good one. Am waiting to see if I ever get that Magic Yarn Ball. I got stiffed on that one and never got anything, then I was contacted by another girl in the swap who didn't get one either. She goes by Knitmepsalms136...or something like that on the swap-bot board. Anyway, she suggested we do a "personal" swap between the two of us since we both got shafted. I thought it sounded like a good idea. Well, a few days after we agreed to do that I noticed that her partner had finally sent her something so I contacted her and told her it was ok with me if she wanted to cancel our "personal" swap since she was getting something from her original partner. She insisted that she still wanted to do it so I went out and got yarn and a bunch of goodies to wrap in it. We had set our send by date for March 10 and I mailed hers on the 8th. I paid extra on the shipping to get confirmation of delivery. Several days after the confirmation I hadn't heard from her so I emailed her to make sure she got it. She emailed me back and said she had and liked everything and mine would be going out a couple of days late....well....you guessed it....a full week after the mail date.....and nothing! That's just flat out mean in my opinion! It was bad enough that I went and spent over $20 on the first assigned swap, but because she sounded so nice I spent even more on hers and sent it right out! I just don't understand people like that!

Well, must go and get doing some things...need to give little miss Gidget a bath this morning....since she has gotten old...she's 14 now....she gets so stinky! The "boys" can go quite a while without smelling or looking dirty, but not our girl! I'm sure that process is going to ruin her day...lol....but I know she will feel better in the long run...and smell much better too!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yea!!! Finally got the Schaefer Kathleen bag done AND felted!! Had to do it a couple of times to get it down to size, but I really like the Rosa Parks colorway and think it turned out pretty good!

Other than felting that today the only knitting stuff I have been doing is the charity knitting to turn in at the Guild meeting on Sunday. It's kind of fun doing the teeny little hats, but I have to mix it up some and do several different patterns to keep from getting bored with it. I usually do some booties to go along with, so I'll probably switch off to doing those the rest of the week.

Am heading down to hang out with DD and grandkids tomorrow morning. Savy's school is having a "spring break" party in the morning and Amanda and I are doing a "Dream Dinners" session tomorrow night, so I'll probably just stay down there the whole day. Got to get in as much time with them as I can before they leave!

This will be the second time we have done the meal prep thing at Dream Dinners. The food has been pretty good, but honestly, I liked the food, the portions and the prices better at the other two places we have tried so this will probably be the last time there.... even though we liked the staff much better there than at the other places. They are sooo friendly! It is really nice not to have to worry every night about "what's for dinner"!! I don't know that it has actually saved money on the grocery bill...but I know it has saved money in the long run because we hardly ever order out, pick up fast food or eat out anymore!! Plus, it's just fun doing it! I do love cooking and sometimes miss doing the "from scratch meal planning and prep", though.

Ohhhhh....I'm soooo excited...the Secret Pal 10 is officially going on!! I emailed my "spoilee" and she responded back and I got the nicest email from my "spoiler"!! I am really pumped about this! I have three packages coming from swaps off of swap-bot and one left to send then I'm going to take a break from the swaps on there so I can REALLY spoil my SP 10 person!

Update on the business plan thing...it's done! We are going to talk to one of the the banks on Friday. I honestly don't think we have a snowball's chance getting the funding we would need to pull it off....but God does work in mysterious ways, and if that is what is in the plans for us, I know we will get it. If not, I won't be disappointed....it's just not meant to be. I will just be happy to know...one way or the other. Realistically, I know we probably still won't know for several weeks.... even after the meetings, but at least the wheels will be in motion! Anyway, if it works out I'll be making "the announcement" about what business it is!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday again...they come around pretty quickly don't they? We had a good week-end though...they just never seem to last long enough! We had the first exec. committee meeting for the Knitting Guild on Saturday and I thought it went really well. We have a great slate of officers that are great to work with. I think we are all excited about the upcoming year for Guild!

After that, we had "our girl", Savy for her weekly over-nite at Mimi & Poppy's! I just love having her over and can't wait until Dax gets big enough to insist on coming, too...lol...of course, I want him to stay little as long as possible, too, so it's a catch-22. Sunday David, Amanda and Dax came out to get her and they hung around for a while and we went and got Dad. I just love "family" week-ends...just visiting, hanging out, eating a bunch of food together and playing with the kids. There is just nothing better in my book!

I don't know what we are going to do this next week-end....we will be lost! It is spring break here and the kids are going down to Texas. David, Amanda & Dax will come home Sunday or Monday, but Savy-girl is staying the week :-(!! Guess Poppy & I will be left provide our own entertainment...lol!

I made some progress on the Monkey sock out of J.Knits on Saturday night after Savy went to bed, then put it down to do my charity knitting for Guild. It has really helped setting myself a "designated" charity knitting time...the week prior to Guild meeting. Got one little hat done last night and started another one. Hopefully I will get a few things done this week to turn in at the meeting.

For today.....CLEANING and laundry!! Haven't really cleaned since I started working on that darn business plan, but have it far enough along to take a break today and clean around here....! I'm one of those people who doesn't really love cleaning.....but love a clean house.....and get cranky when it gets what I consider to be dirty...drives me insane! I keep on entering those sweepstakes that give you a year of maid service, but no luck yet..lol!

Well...got to get busy...will leave with a shot of the kiddies from this weekend. Aren't they just the cutest kids, ever?!!! Of course, I'm not biased in any way...lol!

Friday, March 09, 2007

SP10, WIP and FO

Went for "tutorial" yesterday on finishing the Kathleen felted bag! Funny how incredibly easy things are after someone shows you how to do it...at least for me anyway!! I have always been more of a visual type person. Regardless of what I am trying to learn I learn it faster if I can see it done...then do it myself instead of reading directions. Then actually doing it kind of "cements" things in my wee brain. Anyway, the bag is done and ready to be felted!! Got the coolest antique looking button for the clasp. Here is the "before" and I'll post it again after it is felted. I think I am going to absolutely love this bag.....but do I want to make another one....hmmm...I doubt it!

This has started out being one of those "frustrating" mornings. I'm so bad about getting a set idea in my head about my day and how it is going to go then getting frustrated over the little things that prohibit it from working out that way...lol...still trying to learn to "go-with-the-flow" kind of girl, I guess. Original plan was to get up, throw on something grubby and comfy, stay sans-make up and hammer down on the business plan. I need so badly to get it finished...both to take to the bank and to restore my sanity...lol!! Anyway, I got up and discovered that I am out of diet cokes...simply cannot work without one on my desk....and even if I could.....discovered that we are out of black ink for the printer!! So....guess I'm gonna have to do the "spackling" routine on my face, get dressed in something presentable and go to the grocery store and the office depot before I get going...grrrr!

Have been getting some done on the Monkey sock. It's an interesting pattern and goes surprisingly fast. When it's not stretched out over a foot or leg it looks like a rumpled ball of yarn. DH was watching me knit on it a couple of days ago when I was only a couple of inches down the leg. He very tactfully made the comment that it sure was an "interesting" sock!! When I put my fingers in it and stretched the fabric out he looked so surprised and said it was really cool looking...lol!

Just wondering if other knitters out there are like me....it never fails....I can't wait to get something in particular started and almost immediately after I get going on it my mind starts jumping ahead to what I want to do next!! The whole time I'm working on a project my mind is just racing about the next one and what it will be. Sometimes I dig around in the stash and assemble everything so it will be "ready" when I'm done with the current one and sometimes I just mull it over throughout the entire current project! At this point, I am still "mulling" about the next one! I do think, though, that what-ever I decide to work on, it is going to be something that I can use my new Knit-Picks needles on to try them out....aha....that being said, the light-bulb just went off....I'm going to do the Mogul Scarf kit that my pal, Guinifer sent me!! I know it's getting too warm here in Oklahoma for scarves, but I am so excited about using that wonderful squishy yarn and the needles she sent me....so it's set...next project is figured out!

Ok...on the the SP 10.....YEA!!!! I got an email from my hostess last night and I'm so pumped and excited about participating in this!!! Partners should be assigned next week and I can't wait to find out who mine is and start spoiling her!!! I can't wait to start getting stuff so it's going to be hard to wait to find out who she is so I can snoop around and find out more stuff about her. For my SP10 partner, I posted my questionnaire weeks ago...lol....can you tell I'm excited? Anyway, it can be found on the side-bar under the February archives!! If you can't find it, let me know and I'll re-post it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Grass Porcupines!!

I wasn't really planning on posting again so quickly this week! I obviously haven't had time to do much new on the knitting end of things since I just posted yesterday. I did get the monkey socks started and got the ribbing and one pattern repeat done last night. Will post pics when it gets a little further along. Someone posted a comment yesterday that the lace work shows up better on light colorways and after doing it in the J.Knits grey & burgandy I can see that is probably the case! I just have more clothes in the darker shades that I can wear them with so I am going to keep on keeping on with the J.Knits!

Worked on the never-ending business plan about 5 1/2 hours yesterday. Funny how sitting in the same spot knitting is so relaxing.....but sitting in front of the computer and desk running numbers and creating tables and graphs is so exhausting! I was wiped out last night! I am really hoping that I can wrap the thing up this week and be ready to set an appointment with the banker. I really hope this hasn't been an excercise in futility....but I fear it might be. I have always heard that you have to have enough collateral to back a loan these days to get one.....and we just don't! All we can do is make sure we have our "ducks in a row", make the best presentation of our vision for the business and capitalize on our years of experience. Past that, I figure that it is in God's Hands! If that is what he wants us to do with our lives, it will happen regardless of what is typical in today's world!

I'm sure many are wondering about the "Title" of today's post "Grass Porcupines".....there is an everyday occurance around here when the first "pretty" days of spring-like weather show up. It is sorta funny....but then not, if you know what I mean! It never happens when it is cold outside and the grass is dead...only when it's nice and warm and the grass is still dead! I get to add an activity to my every-day routine....running the vacuum...and here is why!

I love to keep the doors open this time of year...or at least I used to..lol! It's a catch-22 really. If I leave it open I don't have to play the "let-the-dogs-in, let-the-dogs-out" game, but I end up having to sweep the floors and furniture....a LOT! If I leave it closed I am up and down all day opening the door for the little toots and catching Cricket to brush the grass off before he comes back inside!

He is the main culprit of this crazy little phenomenon....but yesterday he "taught" Stoneleigh how to do it, too! They both came to the door looking like grass porcupines....more than once!

Of course, Stoneleight waited until I had put the camera away before he "learned" this new trick so I didn't get any pics of him with his "new-do"!

There in lies my dilemma....do I play the "let-the-dogs-in, let-the-dogs-out" game or just keep the dog brush handy today?

Monday, March 05, 2007

Guilt Free Socks...Coming Soon!

I did it....I did it! I stayed on track and finished the little red sweater before starting anything else! I fully intended to do the matching hat, but turns out I didn't have enough yarn left after adding the collar and lapels...honest....I really didn't have enough! lol! I did have enough to do the matching mittens though. Have one of those done and should finish the other one sometime this evening during knit time. The only other thing I have working right now is that Kathleen felted bag...and I can't finish that until I get some "tutor time" on it..which will be Thursday...SOOOO......that being said...guess what I'm going to cast on tonight? SOCKS!!!

Of course, I'm dying to do that beautiful scarf I got in the recent swap, too....hmmm...decisions, decisions! Once I get the felted bag finished I will probably cast that on too......a girl just HAS to have options...right? And speaking of Options...:-) I should be getting those Knit-Picks Options needles I ordered this week! I should also be seeing a package on the Knitting Necessities swap within the next week or so, too. Guess I will be lurking by the window watching for the postman this week! I probably should have put something about that on my "wierd things" list....I LOVE mail. Even junk mail. The snail mail kind, though...NOT email junk mail! I think I did mention that I like "wish books/catalogues, but I like all of it....well except maybe bills..lol!

The "bills" thing is one of the reasons I have been trying so hard not to feed my yarn addiction quite so much. DH and I started the effort to become debt-free a while back and have done pretty good, even if I do say so myself. Yes, we could have done better, but all-in-all, we have done ok. We have no credit card debt...and we even cut-up the cards and closed all the accounts so we won't fall back into that trap again! We are down to the house and the MimiVan...that's it! We got the van last May and I have it down to a couple thousand so it should be gone soon too. It has been really hard to do and we have felt, many times that we are really sacrificing a lot, but we are keeping the end result in mind!

We do fall off the wagon sometimes...like getting the salt-water tank set up and going...and I have bought those 3 skeins of sock yarn, but we are going to perservere!

I think I have decided to do the Monkey socks that everyone on the socknitter's list is going on about. Probably won't actually join the KAL, but am looking forward to doing them. Pretty sure I'm going to do them out of the JKnits I got Saturday at the Knit-In. I love the colorway...soft grays and burgandys. It's funny about sock yarns. I am so drawn to the wild and funky colors but when I try to think of things to wear them with and look at the things hanging in my closet I usually end up choosing more sedate colors...but, as you can see...not always!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Knit In

Once again I spent my evening with the fun group at GY for the monthly knit-in! It is always so much fun...and guess what?...I remembered to take my camera this time. Of course, I took a few pics at the beginning...then forgot I had it with me so I only got a few shots. I was too busy eating, laughing....eating, knitting...eating...talking lol! Yea....I know it is supposed to be mainly knitting...lol, but the food people bring...oh my goodness. By the end of the night I felt like I needed to "roll" out the door instead of walking out! The goodies get better every month! Everything from scrumptious main dish entrees to delectable desserts and everything in between....and of course, you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so you just "have" to taste everything!

You would think that 4 hours is a really long time to spend at an evening function like this, but it is so much fun that the time just flies right by!

We had a "special" guest again last night. She makes an appearance at knitting functions quite often and I have to admit....I look for her at all of them I attend and am sort of disappointed when she is not there! I know most of you that read my goings on know her already...but her name is Linen. In this pic she is looking longingly at one of the food tables....but she is such a good girl and never attempts to sneak a little taste! She is so cute going around to pretty much every one there and "saying hi".

It just amazes me how many people show up the first Saturday night of every month. I do think they are going to have to expand to make room for everyone...lol! Anyway....I LOVE this shop, LOVE the service, LOVE the choice of products they carry....it's just a great LYS. If you aren't from OKC area and are going through town you need to make time to go by the Gourmet Yarn!

Another thing I enjoy about going to get-togethers like this is to see what other people are working on. It is always so inspiring! I did actually get some knitting done myself last night believe it or not...lol! I got done with the second sleeve on Dax's little red cabled sweater...YEA!! Now I just have to put the pieces together...and I do have enough yarn to do the matching hat, so will probably go ahead and do it, too. Will post pics of it, hopefully with him modeling them :-), when they are all done.

I set up a time to go in and have MG help me with the last phase of the Kathleen felted bag while I was there. I usally consider myself to be pretty much an intermediate knitter....but this pattern just flat-out kicked my booty! Made me feel like a beginner all over again! Guess that might be one reason I'm so anxious to get a pair of socks going again...lol....that's as good of an excuse as any, right!

Anyway...am being a "good" girl with my knitting this year...so far anyway! Am staying on current projects until they are done before starting a new one....AND....am not buying anywhere near as much yarn as I would like to! Technically speaking I have only purchased (because the sock yarn I traded the Denise needles DH bought me does not count!) three skeins of sock yarn for myself! Amazing results, in my opinion!

Hmmm...decisions, decisions. I REALLY do need to work on that business plan today.....but I REALLY want to just knit! We finally got the information I needed from the current owner's CPA so I have pretty much everything I need to start the "fun" lol....part of the process...building the financial part of the package. Charts, tables and graphs.......yuck! Now, if they were "knitting" charts and graphs.....that would be a different story, wouldn't it :-)? Maybe I will do a little bit of both today so I won't feel so guilty about not doing my due diligence.

I'll close with a pic of our "hostess" for the Knit-In last night! See, Margaret....I didn't get you in "mid-bite!" LOL!....just almost!