Once again I spent my evening with the fun group at GY for the monthly knit-in! It is always so much fun...and guess what?...I remembered to take my camera this time. Of course, I took a few pics at the beginning...then forgot I had it with me so I only got a few shots. I was too busy eating, laughing....eating, knitting...eating...talking lol! Yea....I know it is supposed to be mainly knitting...lol, but the food people bring...oh my goodness. By the end of the night I felt like I needed to "roll" out the door instead of walking out! The goodies get better every month! Everything fro

m scrumptious main dish entrees to delectable desserts and everything in between....and of course, you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so you just "have" to taste everything!
You would think that 4 hours is a really long time to spend at an evening function like this, but it is so much fun that the time just flies right by!
We had a "special" guest again last night. She makes an appearance at knitting functions quite often and I have to admit....I look for her at all of them I attend and am sort of disappointed when she is not there! I know most of you that read my goings on know her already...but her name is Linen. In this pic she is looking longingly at one of the food tables....but she is such a good girl and never attempts to sneak a little taste! She is so cute going around to pre

tty much every one there and "saying hi".
It just amazes me how many people show up the first Saturday night of every month. I do think they are going to have to expand to make room for everyone...lol! Anyway....I LOVE this shop, LOVE the service, LOVE the choice of products they carry....it's just a great LYS. If you aren't from OKC area and are going through town you need to make time to go by the Gourmet Yarn!
Another thing I enjoy about going to get-togethers like this is to see what other people are working on. It is always so inspiring! I did actually get some knitting done myself last night believe it or not...lol! I got done with the second sleeve on Dax's little red cabled sweater...YEA!! Now I just have to put the pieces together...and I do have enough yarn to do the matching hat, so will probably go ahead and do it, too. Will post pics of it, hopefully with him modeling them :-), when they are all done.

I set up a time to go in and have MG help me with the last phase of the Kathleen felted bag while I was there. I usally consider myself to be pretty much an intermediate knitter....but this pattern just flat-out kicked my booty! Made me feel like a beginner all over again! Guess that might be one reason I'm so anxious to get a pair of socks going again...lol....that's as good of an excuse as any, right!
Anyway...am being a "good" girl with my knitting this year...so far anyway! Am staying on current projects until they are done before starting a new one....A

ND....am not buying anywhere near as much yarn as I would like to! Technically speaking I have only purchased (because the sock yarn I traded the Denise needles DH bought me does not count!) three skeins of sock yarn for myself! Amazing results, in my opinion!
Hmmm...decisions, decisions. I REALLY do need to work on that business plan today.....but I REALLY want to just knit! We finally got the information I needed from the current owner's CPA so I have pretty much everything I need to start the "fun" lol....part of the process...building the financial part of the package. Charts, tables and graphs.......yuck! Now, if they were "knitting" charts and graphs.....that would b

e a different story, wouldn't it :-)? Maybe I will do a little bit of both today so I won't feel so guilty about not doing my due diligence.
I'll close with a pic of our "hostess" for the Knit-In last night! See, Margaret....I didn't get you in "mid-bite!" LOL!....just almost!